USC 2021-2022 Transfer Students STATS & DECISIONS ONLY

Entering as: psc major
Units completed: 100+
Units in progress: 16
Currently: a ucdavis student
I wonder whether I can transfer and complete my senior year in Usc though.
I was giving my genuine thoughts about why I wanted to come to USC, and I just sort of saying I really loved the atmosphere. I think all you might have really nice papers. All my GEs are fullfilled, and I have taken quite a few upper division courses. I feel like you all know what to do with your future, and I was writing my paper to give a one-last shot after getting waitlisted by UCLA last year. I feel my stats were ok, but I do not have a lot of activities.

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for any confusion, I was also accepted to usc!!!

Status: Accepted Fall 2021
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: no
Entering as: Junior
Major: Business Admin
GPA: 3.87
Units completed: 57
Pre-reqs completed: All
GEs completed: I think I had 6/8

ECs listed on app: Had several from highschool of volunteer experience and clubs that I did and a volunteer experience I did during University

Job/Work Experience: I had a job during University

Essays (subject and responses): Talked about my background and how it affected me and how I learned/grew stronger from it and talked about why I want to do my major and how I want a second chance because I purposely did poorly during highschool and how I want to do the volunteer experience that I do at my university at theirs. For the other “mini-essays” I talked about a lot of classes I want to do there and their non-profit internship scholarship to do a particular internship at San Francisco and how LA will bring lots of connections and internships, and then talked about how I’ve always been interested in how things are made like a stop sign for example and how stuff like that is never talked about in school

Letters of Recommendation: 1 recommendation from my english teacher

Status: Accepted Fall 2021
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: no
Entering as: Junior
Major: Business Admin
GPA: 3.95
Units completed: 88
Pre-reqs completed: All
GEs completed: I think I had 7/8
ECs listed on app: Nothing notable, mainly worked throughout high school and college
Job/Work Experience: Same as above
Essays (subject and responses): Talked about my upbringing and why USC was perfect for me.
Letters of Recommendation: 1 recommendation from business professor

To everyone that graduated high school with a low GPA, you can do it!!

Just confirmed that I got rejected.

Status: Accepted, Spring 2022
College transferring from: Virginia Commonwealth University, Honors College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No/No
Entering as: Junior, Cognitive Science
GPA (at time of application submission): 3.750
Units completed: 85 - 30 AP credits, 8 credits from summer school, 47 at university.
Units in progress: 16.5
Pre-reqs completed: All
GEs completed: 5/8 or 6/8

ECs listed on app: Included clubs I was part of at current university as well as notable ones from high school which exemplified leadership qualities. University clubs listed were a mix of pre-med clubs, clubs where I took on a mentoring role, and a dance club I enjoyed. Also listed earning Eagle Scout achievement.

Job/Work Experience: No job, but had shadowing + was part of a research lab (no publications at time of application submission)

Essays (subject and responses):

Statement for Transferring: Made analogy between staring at a fridge full of food and not knowing what to cook with feeling lost at current university; my university did not have my major (cognitive science) but I made efforts to make my academic pursuits a reality. Continued extended analogy by equating my efforts to picking up an ingredient, I’m now ready to cook. Finished essay by listing out exactly what I plan to do at USC - including specific classes, research labs I will apply to, etc.

USC believes that one learns best when interacting with people of different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives: Wrote essay on how in a visit to Thailand, a beautiful work of art became the focal point for conflicted feelings on religion and experiencing spirituality through other frames of reference.

Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests: Spoke about my interests, classes I look forward to taking within my intended major, and labs I hope to apply to. Capped it with my long-term goal of becoming a psychiatrist.

The word “education” can take on a variety of meanings: This one was my weakest by far, I wrote it an hour before the deadline. Wrote about how education isn’t just about academic prowess, it’s about learning how to navigate relationships in our lives - friends, family, etc. Looking back, this essay should’ve tanked my application but I guess the adcom overlooked it.

Letters of Recommendation: 1 strong LoRs from Statistics Professor.

Other schools applied to: UVA (waitlist), Duke (rejected), Vanderbilt (rejected), UPenn (rejected).

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Status: Accepted
CCC applicant non TTP no Legacy
Entering as junior transfer for Spring 2022 for Marshall School of Business.
Highschool GPA: 2.8
GPA at the time of application: 3.87
Units completed: 51
Units in progress:17
Prerequisites completed.
GE’s completed not sure I followed UC system IGETC
EC’s: Nothing great some honor and awards from high school and deans honor roll from CC.
Letter of recommendation (1) from my math professor.
Schools applied to: UCLA,UCB,UCSD,UCI,UCD,UCSB,UCSC, Cal Poly slo, USC
Waitlisted: UCLA-Bus Econ
Rejected: UCB-HAAS, Cal Poly slo.
Good luck all future applicants you got this!

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Accepted to Marshall for Fall 2021

College transferring from: SMC
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
Entering as: Junior
Units completed: 90+
Units in progress: None
Pre-reqs completed: All
GEs completed: All

ECs listed on app: when I say alot, it is ALOT ALOT
Job/Work Experience: Intern for a shoe importer in Europe and China
Essays (subject and responses): God, I really thought it was mediocre but I talked about my past and the amount of accomplishments I did and how I can bring that to USC for my ‘why Transfer’ essay. Then I talked about the tsunami that happened in my hometown and how that affected me for the second prompt. The third prompt, I went all out on this one; how I wanted to do, literally, SO MANY things at USC. I wrote how much I respected and love USC and ya girl did ALOT of research too.
Letters of Recommendation: 2; one from the company where I interned at, one from my professor.

Other schools applied to: Private schools but USC was my number 1. Fight On!!!

Accepted to Dornsife for Political Science, Spring 2022 admit

College transferring from: Palm Beach State Community College in Florida
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Non TTP and non legacy
Entering as: sophomore/junior (depends on credit evaluation but a sophomore by year)
GPA: 4.0
Units completed: applied with 41 completed (18 from AP/AICE)
Units in progress: applied with 20 in progress, was sent an SGR
Pre-reqs completed: 1/2 of political science pre-reqs (my college didn’t offer the other one)
GEs completed: 5 ½ out of the 8

ECs listed on app: College student government officer, member of a law club, and an environmental club
Job/Work Experience: non listed on app
Essays (subject and responses): I spoke very positively on my experience at community college, and how I want to continue to grow at USC. I went into very specific details about exactly what resources USC has that are beneficial to me and in turn, how I would give back to their community. If you have any extenuating circumstances, currently or in the past, go ahead and explain them because USC listens! I think the Dornsife specific essay was my strongest. I told them that I define education by accomplishments and not by curriculum. I also told them that Paris Hilton is my ideal roommate in the short answer section. Be yourself, I spent months on my essay answers but it’s okay to throw something in that will make your AO laugh. Best of luck to all that are reading this!
Letters of Recommendation: one from my political science professor who is also a very very local politician

Other schools applied to: UF, FSU, U Miami, USC, Emory, NYU, Northwestern, Tulane
Accepted: UF, FSU, U Miami, USC
Rejected: Emory, Northwestern, Tulane, NYU

I graduated high school a year ago with a 2.4 unweighted GPA, if I can do it- you betcha you can too FIGHT ON!

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Gonna repost for future applicants with similar backgrounds to reference:

ADMITTED! USC Annenberg Fall 2021 (Pre-Pharmacy as well)

College transferring from: Houston Community College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Nope and nope
Entering as: Sophomore
GPA: 3.78
Units completed: 53
Units in progress: 0
Pre-reqs completed: Not sure
GEs completed: 7

ECs listed on app:

  • Boxing
  • Photoshop Art (My avatar is one of them)
  • Building Computers
  • Video Production
  • Music Production
  • Part time/Full time job at an IT Company as their Lead Online Marketing Director

Bonus Stuff:

  • Son of a Central American Immigrant family (Guatemala/El Salvador)
  • I used to take care of my step father after he had a terrible fall that left him immobile and unable to look after himself. I did this during my first 3 semesters in college.
  • Mentioned living in Compton California and the struggles of living in a lower income community.
  • First Generation/Lower-Income Student
  • Mentioned a 3 year gap between my high school and my college days. Touched upon personal growth and raising my GPA from a 1.96 in High School to a 3.78 in college.
  • For some reason I included an incident that forced us out of our gang infested neighborhood and move to Texas, and I wish I never did. It seemed like it was “too much” and I hope it doesn’t bum someone out at the admissions office.

Job/Work Experience:

  • Host at a Mexican Restaurant
  • Sales Associate/Customer Service at a local clothing store where I was awarded "Associate of the Year
  • Home Depot for about 2-3 Months
  • Lead Online Marketing Director for a fast growing IT Company in Houston

Essays (subject and responses):
I believe my essays were pretty good.

Personal Statement: Centered around the growth of an imperfect rose and how it still elects to stand tall no matter what it endures. Inspired by the famous poem of Tupac Shakur “A Rose That Grew From Concrete”. I wrote the majority of it in under 20 minutes after waking up from a super weird dream.


Something Essential Essay: I wrote about my curly hair and how uncontrollable it is no matter what I do to it. I eventually just grew to accept its “vibrant” nature and let it shape its own path instead of trying to control it. I tied that into my own personality and life and stuff and what not.

Why USC and why my major of choice: Wrote about wanting to use my voice to help represent people with similar backgrounds as myself. Finding a way to incorporate my communicative skills, artistic skills, and experience in marketing to fulfill my dream of working in the sports industry. The entire theme was centered around being a “fighter” and wanting to share and grow with fellow Trojans in my home town of Los Angeles.

Address Education History: Wrote about my bad high school days and how I graduated with a 1.96 GPA overall. Shared how I was a naïve young guy who thought I had life figured out just for me to find out the hard way that I understood absolutely nothing about life. Touched upon my 3 year gap between high school and college and how I grew and matured. Eventually that maturity lead me to understand what I needed to do in order for me continue growing and achieving a better life for myself and my family. I enrolled in some college courses thinking I wouldn’t do very well when in reality I actually shocked myself at the type of grades I was earning, eventually ending my 4th semester with a cumulative 3.78 GPA (nothing special but I’m proud of it).

I had a lot of fun with the short answer responses.
3 Words: Resilient, Dynamic, Limitless
Favorite snack: Bowl of green grapes and dark red cherries
Favorite movie: Reservoir Dogs
Dream Job: Sports Commentator
Song: Shine on You Crazy Diamond
Ideal Roommate: Double D from Ed, Edd, n Eddy
Favorite Book: Animal Farm - George Orwell
Show I’m binge watching: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Teach any class, what would it be: How to throwaway anything Cinnamon Apple scented

Letters of Recommendation:

  • Sociology Professor
  • Communications Professor
  • CFO of an IT Company I work for

Other schools applied to: Stanford, Cornell, UT Austin, A&M, and University of Houston.

I can confidently say that JoJo somehow got me into one of the best schools in the country which is pretty hilarious.

Good luck to everyone! I wish all applicants the best of luck no matter the results.


congrats! I was admitted to Annenberg as well! What is your major?

College transferring from:

College Accepted:

Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy:
No, and I wish!

Entering as:

3.71 (AA-T/UC)

Units completed:
64? :sweat_smile:

Units in progress:
(Hopefully🤞) 20 Fall 2021

Pre-reqs completed:

GEs completed:
Core Literacies 100%
IGETC Certified
(doesn’t apply to USC, but did help my app to take Stats)

ECs listed on app:
Multiple industry events for music production companies

Job/Work Experience:
10 years of MGMT
Paid Industry Events

Essays (subject and responses):

[For anyone reviewing this in the future, I really hope this helps at least a little bit.]

E1 - this is completely subjective, so trust your gut and be passionate.

E2 - ‘Interdisciplinary Interest outside Focus’

Drew attention to my desire to reaffirm my focus by exploring behavioral patterns

E3 - Basically, ‘Why USC’

Emphasized my 10 year mgmt career and how during that journey I decided to explore another professional avenue which inspired my drive to positively impact the world and how USC would help make that a reality.


E4 - ‘How Could Annenberg Help?’

Picked a global topic, rather than just a domestic one.
^ depending on what school you’re applying to on campus, bring something to the table in the context of universally beneficial for society as a whole, rather then only benefiting the privileged.

I’m intentionally not including my topic so you can think about what you’re truly passionate about.

E5 - ‘Informative Topic the Public Should Know’

Reaffirm your passion.

Letters of Recommendation:
1 - from a really awesome professor that offered to write one for me without asking

Applied to:




I got waitlisted at both of my back ups and almost gave up hope. I genuinely did not think I was going to get into USC, but since the application is reviewed holistically, I was fortunate enough to get accepted :sob:

Please, don’t give up and stand for something.

‘If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.’

Fight on :v:

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Congrats! I’m majoring in Communications

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updating this for future applicants and lurkers getting ready to apply for a future cycle!

Accepted to Marshall, Fall 2021 @ 5:00 PM 05/28/2021

College transferring from: Cerritos Community College (CA CC)
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Yes, Legacy
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.8
Units completed: 64
Units in progress: 15.5
[x] Pre-reqs completed: 2/2 (A in Writing, B in Business Calc)
[x] GEs completed: 8/8

ECs listed on app: School honor’s program, officer in business club (PBL), owner of small online business, guitar and bass player, volunteering
Job/Work Experience: Part-time for local government (currently employed)
Main Essay: Wanted to be transparent, I was a lazy honors student in HS who applied to schools with aimless essays as a Poli-Sci major, and got rejected by most of them. I disappointed my parents and got a lot of condescending remarks from a lot of the honors kids that thought CC was below them. I wanted to keep a mostly positive tone despite everything because that’s just who I am as a person. It sucked, sure, but I was able to focus more on myself and meet people who helped shape my view of the world and I’m generally just a lot happier. Just reinforced the fact that my interest in business was always there but I just didn’t know it until I was enrolled in my first business class at CC and that focusing on myself has always been my priority in becoming a better me.
"Understanding You": Tied it back to my monster essay and just reinforced the fact that I’m a pretty optimistic person; I just think life is too short to be spending all my energy worrying about things out of my control when I can be doing something else or cheering someone else up.
"Why USC?" Talked about how I was offered TTP when I applied my senior year but it came during a time that I was regretting a lot of decisions I made and gave up on pretty much everything, so I never took them up on their offer. As a senior, I felt obligated to apply because my dad went there, but this time around I genuinely think this is where I’ll thrive and can’t see myself anywhere else. Just said I wanted to take advantage of Marshall’s study abroad program and interact with the on-campus Transfer Student Community Club and am applying this time on my own accord.
Letters of Recommendation: None

Other schools applied to: UCSB, UCI, CSUF, UCB, USC (accepted to all, waitlisted at UCB)

USC was always my #1, happy to say I’m keeping my family a trojan family for another generation! FIGHT ON!

Status: Accepted SPR 2022
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: no
Entering as: Junior
Major: Business Admin/ ACCT
GPA: 3.9
Units completed: 36
Pre-reqs completed: All
GE’s completed: 5/8

Status: Accepted, Marshall 2021 Fall
Coming from public 4yr in illinois
No ttp or legacy
Entering as Sophomore
No SGR request
GPA at the time of application: 4.0
Units completed: 35
Units in progress:15
Prerequisites completed: completed all before applying
GE’s completed: 3/8
EC’s: Nothing special few clubs and intern
Letter of recommendation: Very strong LoR from my writing professor

College transferring from: Fullerton College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Nope
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.91
Units completed: 71
Units in progress: 0
[] Pre-reqs completed: All
[] GEs completed: 6/8 (could not take bc they weren’t available)

ECs listed on app: Volunteer Coordinator, short summer internship, volunteered at another church, VP of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, psychology club member
Job/Work Experience: Tutor at a HS, Cashier
Essays (subject and responses): All my essays were pretty creative. I did a day in my life for the why usc prompt. Talked about candy crush for my essay about reasons for transferring. Talked about slime and how living in a financially challenged household allowed me to become resourceful and creative. Lastly, for my education essay, I talked about plants lol.
Letters of Recommendation: None

Accepted: UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD, UCD, USC

Extra stuff: I started courses the summer I got our of high school and took a good amount of units each summer. I’m pre-med so I took quite a bit of science courses and I got all A’s except for the second to last semester (the semester right before applying). I was pretty content with my essays. Also, I think my extracurriculars played a big role because although I didn’t have many extracurricular activities in my app, I spent a good amount of time in all of them.

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Status: Accepted- Dornsife SPR 2022
College transferring from: Pasadena City College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No/ Yes
Entering as: Junior
Major: Sociology
GPA: 4.0
Units completed: 73
Units in progress: 0
Prerequisites completed: All
GE’s completed: 8/8
EC’s: None
Letter of recommendation: 1


Status: Accepted- Marshall
College transferring from: LMU
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
Entering as: Junior
Major: Business Admin
GPA: 3.88 when applying, 3.91 after spring semester
Units completed: 72 I think
Units in progress: 0
Prerequisites completed: All
GE’s completed: all
EC’s: few clubs, fraternity etc
Letter of recommendation: 1