USC 2021-2022 Transfer Students STATS & DECISIONS ONLY

Your list looks tight but you got into some real schools. Congrats, and may I ask how did you do on your essays? Thank you and well done!

not too long for your response but I do really care about this. You did a great job, and may I ask about your result on the universities? Thank you and nice job!

I got into USC, UT Austin, A&M, UH, and I withdrew my Cornell App before hearing back. Denied from Stanford but I mean that was expected lol

Currently at USC majoring in Communications, Minoring in Advertisement and Minoring in Pharmacology

That’s great that most of you got accepted. But where are the people that got rejected? I want to see where I lie as far as GPAs and whatnot. Hard to determine where I’m at if no one shares their rejections from USC…

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Thats how it is. People who get rejected don’t go on forums to brag about being rejected. Also people on CC are a more ‘competitive’ sample size since ppl on here usually care more about ap’s.

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