USC Bovard Scholars

Has anyone heard back from them? I haven’t received anything;(

Honestly, I’m not sure it’s coming out today either ?.

This is ridiculous man! Sksksksksksksk

I wonder why the dates keep changing?

Anyone hear anything?

Admitted! Too bad I’m already going to UPenn’s LBW. Should I go to this one or LBW? Econ Major in the future.

Honestly, if you want to go to UPenn Wharton then LBW because the people I know who went to LBW got into UPenn Wharton.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Only problem at this point is transportation/fees. I have $2k saved in the bank and the LBW program covered 6/7th of the cost so I only have to pay $1k + $400ish for the flight (but still expensive regardless because I need that saved money for a car). USC is literally an hour away from me so transportation fees won’t be an issue nor would tuition as the Bovard program as free. But I really want to get into Wharton next year; it’s my #1 school because Econ. I have two days to decide.

Omg same. Well i got accpted to lbw waitlisted to usc

Denied :frowning:

I would just go to USC then because it is free ya know. Also, USC will literally help you with your app to UPenn

i think if wharton is your dream school, you should go to LBW. it would look good if they can see that you are interested and participated in their sponsored program. plus the program is business and supports your major. but if traveling is an issue, USC is just as good too because it is closer and you can save money.

What made you guys apply to this program anyways?


I just got accepted! I’m so happy!
I’m totally down with having a Groupme, btw.
Also, do you know if they will cover travel cost to USC or will we pay for that ourselves? Anyway, I’m still so happy and grateful!

I got in but they are asking for official transcripts and want me to make a financial profile on college board site. Is that normal??

I was also asked about the official transcripts and financial profile so I just sent them an email.

Also, the transcripts and financial profile are normal procedure; all accepted applicants are asked to submit those items to confirm their eligibility for the program and to match the info you put on your app.

Oh my gosh! I got in!! But all my other friends got rejected. Is there no waitlist?

@epiphanies there is one, I think.