USC Bovard Scholars

Has anyone heard of or been apart of the USC Bovard Scholars Program? It seems like a great opportunity but I can’t find any information on how difficult is to be accepted, and I’d also love to hear about past experiences. Thanks! (Not sure if this is the right forum, but it has a three-week summer program aspect? Wasn’t sure where else to post)

Hello I applied as well! Do you know when we will hear back?

Hey y’all, I also applied! I believe we should be hearing back towards the end of march and early april.

Hey! I just got accepted today! All I have to do is get my guidance counselor to mail my official transcript and fill out the CSS profile. Did y’all hear back?

Hey everyone! I was also accepted yesterday! We should start a GroupMe or something

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Let’s create a GroupMe!!! Do you guys know how many people they picked each year? And how big the application pool is? I’m just curious >:D<

I’ve never used groupme before, but I’m in. But @workinprogress33 I’m pretty sure this is their first year doing the Bovard Scholars program because 1) I found this: https://d1wsaxfu7b8rcr.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/e36190f8-e48a-42fd-8bfe-fd70bad4ea68/USC.pdf and somewhere in there is said something about this being the pilot year and 2) There is literally nothing on CC about it other than this thread which I was so confused about when I first found out about it

I think I got this groupme thing figured out, just pm me to be added I guess

Hey guys, I recently found out about the Bovard Scholars program and I’m super hyped for when I can apply! For future reference could you share things about the application, what they asked, statistics on how many were accepted, things like that! Have fun at USC this summer!!!

@onlyworthypotato Hey! So this is the first year of the program so I still know very little so far, but in terms of the app it was fairly simple. if my memory serves me right, there were 2 essays, one of them allowed you to choose from the common app prompts and the other one was basically why the program/why would it be beneficial to you. I’m not sure about stats yet tbh but I think as long as you have strong essays and show passions about going to college/what you have planned for your future, you will be a strong candidate.

@ivakk Thanks! Hopefully more information will be provided by the time I’m a junior! :smiley:

@onlyworthypotato The admissions rate was about 10%. 50 were accepted out of more than 500 applicants. Over half of the acceptances were from California.

@univbound101 wow that’s crazy! Good thing I’m in California then. But how was the program did it live up to expectations?

@onlyworthypotato So far it has been amazing! We get to hear practice lectures, you get an individual admissions coach, you learn about college admissions in small groups, and you have a full-on residential college experience. It is a lot of fun, and you get some interesting insights on all aspects of college.

@univbound101 That sounds like a dream!! Enjoy it dude! I can’t wait till I get the chance to apply!

@onlyworthypotato I am sad that Saturday is the last day, but the experience was definitely amazing!! Good luck with your application.

@onlyworthypotato I am a fellow Bovard Scholar this year, would you mind sharing your stats?

@MaybeHarvard2022 I’m not applying this cycle still a sophomore. But stats as of now and it’s really nothing outstanding

-GPA: 4.00 (unweighted)
-SAT Biology: 760
-Cabinet for Key Club and a medically related club
-Doing research to be presented at research symposium in mid-August
-Going to start being a volunteer for the AHA in spreading Infant and Child CPR training to parents of children in ICU and NICU
-Taking AP Euro this year (school doesn’t allow any APs other than this until Junior year)
-Employed at an (probono I guess you could call it??) online advice column
-Currently HIPPA and Clinical Research certified through CITI
-Taking a free MIT course in Biology
-Taking (and have been taking) all honors classes available
I mean this is all just you know standard stuff most of the good stuff is gonna come into play this year and next so yeah…what about you?

My stats are irrevelant. As a 2017 Bovard Scholar, I can say that you have a very good chance. Good luck!

I was a Bovard Scholar and the program ended today. Your achievements sound great and you are on the path to do great things. If you are low income, I think you would be great for this program.