USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

in that section did it used to have that application affirmation thing? and then it’s gone now? is that what you’re talking about? because i just realized my application affirmation form isn’t there anymore!


so is that a good sign? sorry i’m in the 3 day usps and i’m SO stressed

About the number of people interviewing and the scholarships - you have to remember yield - the overall yield at USC has been around 41% the past 2 years. I don’t know the yield for scholarship recipients but it isn’t 100%. It could be around the overall yield or a little higher since people are getting money. So if they offer 700 full and half (not counting NMF), a yield of 45-50% is around 300-350, which matches approximately the numbers you see (taking the addition NMF presidentials that come later).

I hoped so, but it has been over two hours since portals updated if you got in…
Just a tiny bit of hope left now

Thanks for that useful info!
It sounds like this year then they changed it to combine Trustee, Mork, and Presidential in one group? Perhaps Stamps were a very small other group of invitees?

So if USC figures, say, 40% of those awarded end up not accepting it, then they might award 180 (Mork + Trustee) and maybe 330ish Presidential, banking on getting 110 (Mork + Trustee) and 200 Presidential acceptances.

So then maybe they invite 800 to interview, award 500ish (that would hit their “almost 2/3” claim), and about 310 matriculate and accept the scholarships.

Does that sound reasonable? So if those numbers are anywhere close to reality, that would give her about a 20% chance at a full tuition scholarship… That would definitely be worth it to fly her in then…

my application affirmation statement disappeared too! hopefully its a good sign im stressing so hard rn.

Anyone with a box and still no portal update out there?

what area do you live in? i’m north of seattle in a small town so maybe they’re updating in batches? i really hope so

@seniorseasonnnn where/ what is the application affirmation statement

Norcal - for me as of right now, no mail, no change to portal. Only forms section missing (that had the audit/affirmation statement).

My son is on the East Coast (NJ) was sent an email right before 12 noon today, told to check portal. He was accepted to the School of Letters, Arts and Sciences. The letter on the portal reads:

“Scholarship Status:
You have been selected as a finalist for a USC merit scholarship. A scholarship interview will be the next step in competing for a full or half tuition award. Please see the enclosed Experience USC booklet to learn more about visiting campus.”
On the portal he was able to select the date he wants to go to USC to interview (the earliest date was 2/20 the latest is 3/7).

Good luck to everyone and congratulations to all who received notification today (nothing by USPS as of yet but it’s very rainy and the mail seems to be running late).
edited to add: white box received in the postal mail today - and NO image of it in the Informed Delivery Digest email I receive daily via email.

northern Ohio ish :confused: but I sure hope they’re updating in batches

I’m near Seattle too and I’ve got nothing… really hope they’re doing batches. Just saw a mail truck drive down a nearby street so might find out soon

Hey guys, any internationals get a portal update yet? I haven’t seen any I think.

There was someone on reddit who got in from South America. I’m from there too and no portal update. ouch

from ontario, canada. just got email at 2:20 saying no further consideration for scholarships. check your emails!

International student in SoCal… Got an email telling me I was not selected for the scholarship.

i didn’t get it either

just received an email from USC telling me i’m not considered for scholarship and have to wait till april 1st for admissions decision. pretty bummed