USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

@CADREAMIN how is a school like USC going to handle virtually every student/family sending in adjustments to their FAFSA/CSS this year?

@collegemomjam why do you think the veritax form could allude to a “maybe” pile? Just wondering

Was it through VERI-TAX?

So my daughter got the email that we need to upload some documents TODAY! Id assume if she was rejected ealier on, at least FA would receive rejection list and move those to “no need to work” pile to avoid unnecessary work. So not rejected yet is my guess, and it doesn’t mean she is in.

There was no memtion of VERI-TAX and we know we are almost full pay, but National Merit Finalist. I found what’s requested on USC FAST portal.

No. We were just checking her FAST status in the portal and there was an “action required” under “Application in Review”. Asking us to fill out the social security number form to link her FA application to her USC record.

Anything relating to the FAST application documents, CSS, and FASFA are most likely automated regardless of applicant. I however haven’t found anything about VERI-TAX in the past threads and it is making me so worried that I haven’t gotten anything regarding this. @literallyanyonewhoknows have you see any correlation between acceptances and this request in the past?

We got the veritax request, and several other emails from the FA office requesting copies of documents we had already uploaded through IDOC. All requests came separately starting in late December, with the last coming last week. USC was the only school to keep requesting additional documents of us – and we don’t have a complicated financial situation. It was annoying, to say the least. No other private school did this, and I’m not sure why they couldn’t use the IDOC system that other private schools utilize.

@amsunshine how qualified do you think you are regarding stats, ECs, and essays? Just wondering so I can collect more data about the veritax form

It’s for my daughter. With a school like USC, who knows? She has high stats, but USC regularly rejects high stat applicants.

We too received request for addtl. docs today.

Son is a very competitive candidate (perfect stats and multiple national/intl level awards for academic extracurriculars) with no denials so far (admissions include MIT, Caltech, Vanderbilt with full tuition merit, OOS Georgia Tech CS Stamps semifinalist; deferred at UChicago EA and withdrew).

I would imagine he’d be admitted to USC (he applied to Viterbi), even though he didn’t get invited to interview to one of their top scholarships, but then, who knows what USC is up to.

Just another data point for those trying to divine the patterns in the tea leaves.

All this FA discussion is fascinating. My Daughter got the email last week requesting the info. She is high stats, accepted already to CPSLO, UCSD, waiting on USC (dream school), UCLA, UCB, UCSB (Today!). Tons of EC, major related internship, class office every year, ASB VP, clubs, ballet dancer, volunteer at hospital, champ varsity sports two sports, team captain, 4.0 unweighted GPA, plenty of AP, etc…

Still, there are only so many seats and USC turns away plenty of kids with amazing stats.

Good luck to all these great kids that have worked so hard in the most challenging senior year in recent history!

@TheVulcan were the additional documents requested the veritax form or something else??

@amsunshine how are her extracurriculars and essays?


Capital gains forms.
They also requested tax returns and W-2s a few days ago, even though they were provided via IDOC long ago.

Agreed. To put it bluntly, who do these guys think they are?:slight_smile:

@biochemmajor11 as @mavian said, I think it’s possible there is a “no need to work” list so therefore the students that are getting FA letters might at least be on a “still in the game” list (but not necessarily an acceptance). But I really don’t know.

This is all total speculation but I also think it’s entirely possible for for someone who applied for aid that did NOT get an email to still be in the game also…they just may not be missing anything on you or for whatever reason the automated system doesn’t think they are missing anything on you.

I guess my hunch is that those people that got FA emails were not definitely rejected YET…but that doesn’t mean if you didn’t get an email you definitely were either.

For what it’s worth, we did NOT get any FA email, but we didn’t apply for aid so I’m not sure we would have.

This is all so hard as we anxiously await and look for signs. We all have different ways of interpreting things and I’m sure a lot of the guessing is inaccurate.

@TheVulcan was there a veritax form though?

At the very least they could just ask for everything at once. The trickling out of various different requests over a couple of months does not inspire confidence that their FA office is particularly well-run or efficient.

Did anyone else here audition for the Glorya Kaufman School of Dance and is waiting to hear?