USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Will decisions re. Trustee/Presidential candidates be released on March 30 as well?

As this year is so different, do you think the acceptance rate will reflect that of last year or the year before? Or neither? More to think about while we wait…

Is there still the opportunity to receive the Dean’s scholarship or was that already awarded to only the early scholarship receivers?

The scholarship PDF says that any student who "submit(s) a completed Common Application and USC Supplement with required materials by December 1. " will get a notification about it by April 1st (likely they’ll be made aware on the decision date)

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There are usually Deans given out in March and can be added to your FA as a nice surprise, the quantity of them varies and is likely based on expected yield of the merit recipients. There is also the Associates which is $18K per year. Just 10 of those, but great if you get one. The organzational/departmental scholarships, which you apply for, are also given in March or April.


They should be posting the date of the merit results soon. Just a few years ago, we got ours days before regular decisions (yay!), then in last few years they once moved it to just after portal update of regular decisions, then to 3 days and once almost a week after. I would think there is an advantage (if not just a nice thing to do) in notifying those earlier than later, but they are in charge! It will be a portal update and there should be advance notice from USC, but either way you will see it pop up on here right after the first one goes out!


The people who interviewed my son told him he’d be notified in March. Either way, we’ll know soon!

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Has anyone received any emails from USC? (or from Viterbi?)

Last year, USC admitted 9,618 of the 59,712 that applied (16.1%) and ended up with a yield rate of 36%. 3,460 enrolled. Their target yearly is closer to 3,000 enrollees as a freshman class.

In the year before last year, USC had seen a staggering # of applicants… 66,198, so the #s fell last year. They were then only able to admit 7,558 or 11.4%. They ended up with a yield rate of 41.9%, as 3,168 enrolled.

So this year, they apparently have received almost 70K applicants and have agreed to admit 8,100 in total (around 11.6%). They are thus projecting a yield rate of around 37%. I have also heard a # as high as 72K. If true, the admit rate will be even lower… as they only plan to admit 8,100 in total for this cycle.

Good luck to those awaiting a decision by month’s end. 7,100 of you will receive the good news… joining the 1,000 already admitted during the merit announcement round.

For those who are disappointed, and there will be way too many of you, hopefully you have a solid option elsewhere. USC is a great school… but it’s also only one of many such great colleges and universities across the nation.


Thank you for your thorough answer! Your posts have been so helpful throughout this process. It has definitely been an eye-opening experience for our family.

You’re welcome. Glad to help. Good luck…

Has the 8,100 number been confirmed by the AO?

Are you still able to withdraw your application?

Look back at post 1772. Someone posted info from USC admissions. I was going by that.

Here is that key part again…

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Probably. The portal should have an option for such. Or you can always email your assigned AO.

USC is one of the last few straggler decisions S21 is waiting on. He’d be ready to pull the trigger on another school if not for USC. The 30th feels like an eternity, but I guess it’s better than Ivy Day!

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Thanks for the confirmation. It’s a tough year.

@seabass927 Agree, it’s way too late this year and since not at all aligned with Ivy Day, it’s just so random. They did have a lot of apps and are working remote, so suppose they needed the time to process. But after decades of middish later March, agree, the 30th does seem like an eternity. Good luck to your son!

Do you have an idea of how many might be admitted for the spring semester? And is that included in the 8,100?

Is it bad that I don’t have any additional finaid documents to complete besides FAFSA and CSS?