USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Some of the schools send sweatshirt or tshirts that are cool cause you can’t get them in the bookstore. Won’t say who, it’s a nice surprise.

They do give you a shirt/mail a shirt for orientation.


I’ve seen you on several of the same CC threads as I am on and you have a great attitude that will take you where want to go!


Thank you so much! I’m pretty active on CC (mostly here in the USC thread but in a few others sometimes) and the kind words mean a lot :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: helping out others where I can has been great.


USC is one of the last biggies my kid is waiting on. Not holding out hope for USC after WL at UCLA but it’s high on his list. I sure wish they were releasing this week. Ready for our whole house to get on with our lives!


Other than UCLA, is he happy with his other UC acceptances this week?

No AirPods? :joy:


I wish they could’ve sent us all airpods :sweat_smile:


Absolutely. Right now UCSD is the front runner, followed by CP SLO. Not confident for UCB because his major is EECS!

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hi, does anyone know when the decisions come out?

Anyone? All together now…

They come out the 30th per USC Admissions twitter.

Later than usual and after quite a few others, but gives us all something to do on a Tuesday.

:grin: :v:


Argh anyone know any stats for Gerontology Lifespan Health? Currently runner ups are Davis Genomics and CPSLO Public Health but USC was my top pick. Not really holding my breath after UCLA, UCSD, and UCI rejected me. Even still, still will be grateful to have gotten into a t20 bio program at Davis

Davis is an amazing school, you should be really proud! I am also applying for bio/pre-med and I got into UCSD and UC Davis. I was waitlisted at UCSB and UCLA.
Also, since USC is not in the UC system and has a completely different application, UC decisions can’t predict USC decision. So, stay positive!

Thank you! SD has a fantastic bio program that’s number 16 in the nation on US News. Davis is number 18 I believe. I’m so scared for USC decisions…:confounded:

Both Davis and UCSD have world known bio programs! there is almost no difference between the two.
Yes, USC decision is scary, but it is not the end of the world. No matter what, you will go to a fantastic school. So, congrats!

Anyone have any info on the decisions for the BFA MT program? Wondering if they (or acting, since that is an older program) come out any earlier than 4/1 in the form of a phone call etc. I know for other top programs, since they are generally small, they call the successful applicants the week before… Personally, I hate that they do that since kids talk and it creates a ton of anxiety but at this point, I am scavenging for scraps of info!!! :slight_smile: I have a kid that is dying to get into USC and the next week is going to feel interminable.

I guess that it really depends on the majors. If they are similar and within the same School, then the Why USC? reasoning can clearly focus on just that one School. If the two majors are significantly different, you may wish to speak to both a bit. To me, the key takeaway that an applicant should be aiming for is a clear demonstrated affinity for USC in some measure that reflects well on the applicant. If the AOs or any reader of the application comes away from it with a good sense that an applicant would thrive well at USC and contribute to the greater USC community in some manner, then it is likely a successful effort.

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I believe so… but, as stated above, a # of the more competitive majors do not really even consider those who list them second.

does anyone know if the packages will come before the portals update this year?

Nothing is even known about packages at all this year to be frank. Regardless, it’s probably unlikely that students will receive a package before portals update.

(Merit kids had their packages come a week or so later)


I totally agree with GPlove. I have noticed the same.

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