USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Does anyone know what it may mean if a non-custodial appeal form is “on-going”? The Non CSS Profile request was removed from my required list on FAST, but my appeal form has yet to be accepted (I just spoke with the FA office). However, it did change from not being looked at at all to on-going, along with the removal of a request for the Non-CSS Profile.

Anyone know about USC Leonard Davis school of gerontology acceptance rates? How is it compared to dornsife?

so like 1-3pm pst?

We don’t know.

Why do you say this? What is the unique “fit” at USC that doesn’t apply to dozens of other universities? To be honest, every place seems to say this but it’s just jargon especially when they also state they want diversity. They all want the same things from students for the most part, and the students that have the best stats and extra curriculars have more choices as more colleges will accept them.

Not related to your post, but I wonder if USC has “ambassadors” (paid or unpaid) that monitor and post to these forums. Many companies do for their products.

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I said this in reply to an USC applicant worried about getting into a major and assuming they were out of luck with a lower than perfect gpa. I do think USC is more holistic more than some other schools, but I’m sure there are many that are just as holistic as well. Kids with lower stats but other enriching attributes (not just diversity) such as passion, committment and talent are admitted every year. I don’t think the UCs, for example, want and evaluate exactly the same thing and weight everything the same as USC. In some regards yes, but not in every regard. There are plenty of students that get in because of their “it” factor that is reflected in the application package, not a 4.0 or nearly perfect SAT.

I’m thankful for long-time posters like @CADREAMIN and @WWWard who patiently and thoroughly answer questions, calm fears and try to dispel rumors. They are clear their kids have gone to USC and that they love the school. I’m currently following another thread where there are no such ambassadors and the potential applicants and their families seem really adrift with no good info being provided. Frankly, it makes me concerned about that school that no one cares enough to answer crucial questions on such a widely used forum.


If financial aid application says its completed on FAST and the required docs page and nothing is required on the docs page does that mean admission? I know they don’t start looking at financial aid unless one is admittted.

@Southoftheriver I was thinking the same thing today! Thank you @CADREAMIN and @WWWard. Your posts have been so helpful. USC is my daughter’s first pick, and we will be hovering near the portal along with everyone else next week. Good luck all! One week to go!


There is a USC class of 2025 FB page
…and I would imagine there’s an insta, too.

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i m so hopeless rn. decisions r about to come I reallly hope I would get in but I am so used to being waitlisted and rejected now… good luck too yall tho!!!

You’re not alone! I’ve had pretty bad luck with most other schools but at the end of the day I think I belong at USC the most anyway. You’ll end up somewhere great along with everyone else. Hopefully it’s here. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


thank you!! good luck to u. I was waitlisted at UCSD so hopefully I get in and into nyu, UC Berkeley or Georgetown but then again they are all top schools… aaaaaahahah


Does anyone think there could be a chance USC releases decisions before March 30th? Like this Friday evening…would save them lots of calls the next day!

don’t think they care if they have been doing this in past. In fact more than 50% of top schools don’t announce on Friday evening

I’m not sure it would make sense for them to announce a specific date on their website and Twitter accounts if they intended to release decisions on any different date.

Just clarifying here since I’m going to call them up tomorrow, but a while ago (and I mean like December? January?) they requested my family’s 2019 W-2 form. I sent them within a week after them being requested but I now noticed that there was a part at the bottom of the description that says “Include your name and USC ID number on all documents.” and I don’t believe that my mother did when she uploaded them.

I’m sure it’s probably not a huge deal since they would ask for it to be reuploaded, right? I’m going to call for clarification but I hope I’m not worrying for nothing lol.

they probably matched your parents names or address from W-2 form, not a rocket science

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I would assume that has long been put into your file and is nothing to worry about as mentioned, they would figure it out. They just ask for that to be done like people say to note something in the memo line of a check — while often asked, people seldom do and it’s not really necessary, just a backup of info. Is it something that was asked for on your portal and is now checked off? Either way, if it makes you feel better, just call and make sure it is in your file, no harm no foul.

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Yeah, it was submitted and they say that within 48 hours I’ll hear if I need to send something back, I just might be paranoid lol. Checking won’t hurt anyway.

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