USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Hi, found this, dot sure whether it helps. We were asked to submit the 2019 tax form too. I just googled and found this.

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And this

I wasn’t selected for a FAFSA/Dept. of Education verification since we never needed to submit the “IRS 2019 Tax Return Transcript - Parent” form.

I guess USC themselves just needed to finish up their verification process as seen in the first link you sent.

Makes sense to me :man_shrugging: Thanks for the help @ayyyling!

How competitive is USC business school?


(Jokes aside, it’s a competitive school with a large applicant pool of very well-qualified students. Similar to Viterbi, it looks for students with great stats and a demonstrated interest in business through activities or their actions/essays.)

how competitive is keck school of med for undergrad?

Is anyone here applying to school of gerontology?

I applied to Marshall and I have taken financial and managerial accounting, as well as applied calculus through Dual enrollment. Do you think they will take that as demonstrated interest for business?

Is the USC id automatically generated for everyone that applies? Or is it only generated after you are admitted

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The ID number next to your name in the FAST? With all applications and schools, an ID is generated, once accepted that same ID carries over. Now a school email address maybe something different, some schools give them to applicants, and some just accepted students. There is an ID # to my DD’s name, and I have written it down in my notebook. She received it with her application. I am not expecting my DD to get in, since she didn’t get into her first choice major. I think she has a good future rejection portal example. LOL!

yea… but i didnt apply fin aid or FAFSA… and according to their website the USC id is provided in the admission packet for students that didn’t apply for fin aid.

i hope your d and i both get in tho :frowning: USC is literally my last hope

I am so sorry to hear that. We do have options. USC is my DD’s dream school, and would go in a heart beat if accepted. Actually she has several dream schools (4) she applied to, already rejected at 1, and would drop everything to attend one of those 4. If not, she has some great fall back options.

oh did your d apply as MT major… i got rejected in their callback rounds as well, and i have also been declined/waitlisted at some good schools :confused:

dance, but she did get into Fordham and Alvin Ailey. She is not really a commercial dancer, she is classically trained. It was a long shot, but she felt she would regret not trying.

fordham is amazing… i regret not applying… what other schools did she apply to?

Where are you seeing this?

USC fast portal next to my name. I didnt apply for fin aid since im international

Those type of pending or in review status updates are normal and highly typical for financial aid.

you’re welcome. I am always glad to help… and it is for the reasons that you have listed.

No. Nothing listed on FAST is a reflection of admission or rejection. At this point, they are operating on separate paths.