USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I received an email on March 3rd asking for 2 documents and another on March 4th asking for an additional 2 documents? Would you say that’s close enough to the decision date/would be a good sign?

Help :sob::sob::sob: I accidentally clicked on withdraw button and redirected me to the withdrawal form website…will this be tracked? I accidentally clicked on cuz I was on mobile and I was trying to click on FAST :sob::sob::sob:

Don’t worry about it. It’s very unlikely their tracking it.

I keep seeing people mentioned to let USC know that you are interested in going. Any idea how?

School specific, some Dance programs are like 6 people, so if someone declines admission it is a big deal. People in this situation are notified by that school that they are on the waitlist and what number they are. I am famliar with a student who was #1 on the waitlist a couple years back, and really wanted to attend USC (cause Dance so good there), but no one declined, so he went to Stanford instead, but with no dance.

By emailing advisor, but at this point, it would be pretty useless.

@cookiemonst3r Don’t sweat it, I’m sure you are not the only one to accidentally click that. You will not be tracked and are fine.

The problem with seeing recent FA requests as a good sign is the emotional investment that can be made between now and Tuesday, leading to an even bigger disappointment, whether it is for the parent or the student. As @WWWard said many times, there are definitely students that came back and posted that even though they were asked for papers a couple days before acceptances were released, they did not get in. Every year this happens. If this was a reliable pattern, we all (the applicant universe) would have seen it by now. So while not a bad sign, I would hesitate to invest in it as a good sign and just keep taking deep breaths between now and Tuesday.

Good luck all!


Oh gosh, I hope our pop music applicants don’t have to wait longer! The suspense is intense! Good luck!

What button on FAST disappeared?!? More details pls.

There was a button called ‘college financing plan’. It’s now gone for everyone. I heard scholarship amounts were supposedly posted on it.

Ok is no one here applying to Davis school of gerontology as their first choice? I had Global Health as my second choice and does anyone know how difficult it is to get into one vs another? Is Gerontology a good program? Anyone?

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Anyone know what time decisions are?? I know on Tues but :thinking:

Do you think some people saw their amounts before the button was removed?

With the large increase of applicants, i dont even know if I have a realistic chance this year lol


Oh, thanks!

There was some Reddit post where someone said he/she saw the amount that was awarded to him/her

I was able to see it and so were many others on the admitted students group chat… I hope its accurate!

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@Poolsideconvo So you saw if you received the Pres or Trustees…is that what you are saying?

If they let it slip, and they will obviously know they (since it appears to be online everywhere as well), then they may go ahead and release them.

Yes I saw it on my financial aid portal but now the button that I pressed to see it is removed. I dont think we will see official announcements until RD is released