USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

My daughter also emailed her AO in early December and never received a response

i think maybe next week ?

end of next week is a high possibility however on the usc admissions page they said that they will be sending out emails. Does that mean that the admitted students won’t get boxes this year?

Thanks, appreciate the response. My daughter’s admissions officer (whom she had met via Zoom in October) actually left USC for another job in December, so my daughter ended up emailing the replacement AO.

it’s possible, i think so but it will still be online so

Since they did get around to sending last year’s admitted March freshman their acceptance boxes (albeit several months later), I don’t know why they wouldn’t be sending the scholarship boxes at this point. Last March there was all that mail/packaging panic, so it made sense, but they eventually sent them per @catransplant. With that fear behind us, there’s really no reason to disregard the long standing tradition - I hope they send the boxes, they are super special!


Hi @CADREAMIN and other readers. This is the first time I’ve posted since the redesign so hopefully I don’t mess up. Actually they never did send the admitted March freshmen their acceptance boxes even now! My freshman daughter was asked recently to confirm her address because they wanted to send them out even though it’s now second semester of their freshman year - but hers has still never arrived! Maybe some day she will get it but it’s not quite the same as if she’d received it last March. Oh well. She did get a fun box in the mail recently inviting her to be part of a virtual residential college experience with a mask, tote bag, hand sanitizer, notebook and pen and portable charger in a box that played one of the Trojan band songs when you open it, so that was fun. And she got a t-shirt in the fall that I think the students would have received if orientation would have been in person. But that’s it so far!


Hey @catransplant - I knew someone told me they were getting boxes, had to find the post below to see that they said it is supposed to be in January (not much time left ha). I thought they got them in the fall. Either way, very late and yes, not so impactful. :frowning:

I do hope they send them to the newbs. :slight_smile:


anybody here applied for MT major? Has anyone been notified of their callbacks? :sob:

My D has her Thornton BM Popular Music Singer/Songwriter 2nd audition this Sunday via zoom. Should be interesting since these have always been in person, on campus. They said to plan for 15-30 minutes and to be ready to present 3-4 original songs and interview. Haven’t heard anything regarding MT callbacks.


Does anyone know when decisions are coming out for the scholarships? I thought it was by the end of Jan. but I doubt they’ll release over the weekend.

USC actually tends to release on a Sunday, but this year they are giving the date of 10/11 feb if I am not wrong.

Fun/neat little tidbit right now. As seen in last year’s thread, the portals have now updated allowing for students to upload a “Final High School Transcript”. Basing it off last year, I’d assume this means scholarship decisions are coming pretty soon.

Currently an Annenberg (Journalism) hopeful right now!


How soon did decisions come out last year after the portal update? Also, where do you see the update in the portal?

It was within a few days after the portal changed, if i recall correctly. Also just under the “Upload Materials” dropdown.

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Final high school transcripts won’t be available until May/June. Any idea why that option is available this early?

No clue. Just to get ready I assume. It’s been like this before so I don’t doubt them just opening up the option now just to prepare. Especially if 1,000~ kids are about to be admitted.

(Also maybe on the small chance kids end up graduating early for some reason this year)

I agree, it makes sense that this question would be for students graduating early.

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i just went through 2024 thread and their decisions were released soon after this realization. hoping this means good news for us, i think the best bet would be this coming weekend

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What got updated?