USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Thank you! Yes, Marshall. USC is her dream school so this was major icing on the cake! Good luck to your D. Is she Marshall too?


Is it possible to find out acceptances if I didn’t apply for any kind of financial aid or scholarships?

Dornsife…USC has been her number one school since her sophomore year! Next week will be a big week!


Can someone fill me in on the portal signs that are there for USC? something about FAST and financial aid and college financing button

I think the only way is to just wait until Tuesday. The suspense is killing us all but I think it’s best to be patient and positive these next 3 days. Best of luck!


Does anybody know if USC will send the admits the usual white box before posting online? It has been a tradition… Tia

No news of the gorgeous boxes this year. That had been done for decades but covid put an end to the mailing of the packages suspense (and stress) at least for notification purposes. They have sent stripped down packages after the fact. In some cases much later. (Like 2020 acceptances got them just awhile ago.) One of those traditions that may be done…

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The scholarship finalists got their boxes after they got their portal update so we may see boxes in the mail after Tuesday.

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Do we know what time of day decisions will be released? I saw 5PM PDT somewhere and 5PM EDT somewhere else… The former makes more sense since USC is in PDT, but given how weird everything else is this year…

I saw on the portal yesterday that I received the Presidential, I’m really greatful, but I can’t afford to pay 51K a year with the remaining amount. Does anyone know if there’s anyway I can possibly get a lower price? I really want to go to USC

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What does covid have to do with packages, I know it’s not you but I’m genuinely curious. USPS has never been shut down. I’ve been receiving mail and packages from colleges ever since last March.

It would slow down the packing of packages due to a limited capacity of employees at the office at any given time. (guessing here)

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I mean yea I guess you’re right but when all other colleges send stuff. And also they were able to send it to Marshall, so. Esp when tuition is like 85k yknow but I guess we’ll find out


Where is the source code?

I’m going to reference this again. I go over what @owenduggan2025 talks about.

USC says “we meet a student’s full USC-determined financial need”. For whatever reason they decided your financial need is not as high as you think. Maybe you need to provide more data.

It wasn’t really a box, more of an envelope, depending what school. My son is Dornsife and got a folder and certificate.

Packages last March were to go out right when the lockdown happened. (16th March shutdown and packages would have been sent on the 23rd). Remember how everyone was saying u had to let boxes sit for 24 hours and all the other nonsense?

Well they didn’t send them because of that. And since still working from home they aren’t there to manually assemble them which they always did. They did not hire that task out. It was done in admissions.

This may be a change that sticks. They were expensive packages to make and mail (but for 80k/yr a nice trinket). But people like the instantaneous portal update as well. I love the tradition of the boxes, but we got them. Not so fun when you don’t.


That’s what I meant by the stripped down version. The last true boxes went out for 2020 merit notifications. After that the folder version is what we are seeing.

I do