USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Depends on how you define “demonstrated interest.” If defined by do they count the number of times you email, if you visited or not, or other quantifiable measures, than I would say no (unlike say Tulane, who definitely keeps track of those things). But if in your app you worked that stuff in somehow, then I think any human reading the app would come away with a feeling of, “this kid really seems to want this place!” And that certainly can’t hurt. It’s a tough grey area, sort of like “need blind” where they read your app without knowing your need; but at the end if it’s between someone who needs aid and someone who doesn’t…guess who’s getting in.


omg one day left i’m so nervous


Agree with uggsrwarm. When we did an in-person admissions visit (pre-COVID), the AO made a point to say, “If USC is your top choice, find a way to let us know.” And this came up during the admission’s talk in the context of mentioning that while they don’t have early decision or early action, applicants have opportunities to convey interest and enthusiasm in the essay(s) and/or by contacting your state/regional AO. My son explicitly stated in one of his essays that USC is his top choice. In December, he also emailed the AO for our region because he had some specific questions, but also noted that USC is his top choice. He had a legit reason for contacting the AO, and was not doing so just to check-off that he had emailed. But also used it as an opportunity to reiterate his interest. (As opposed to signing up for X number random virtual sessions/tours/etc). Hope this helps. At this point in the process, there is nothing more to do except try to relax, enjoy the day, focus on something else.


wait I never received the email about the notification date…is that a bad thing?

You’re welcome. Good luck.

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me neither, rip );

Prior to decision day, when FA learns your fate too, nothing posted, not posted, requested, or not requested, etc. is an indicator from FA. They are on a completely separate and independent path from admissions. Good luck.

i didn’t receive one either:/ this happened to me at another school and i didn’t get in but it may be different w USC


I dont think they sent emails tho

they posted on social media

Well… they do in fact consider demonstrated interest and will mark your file accordingly when you tell them certain things… like that USC is your top choice and that you are committed to attending if admitted, etc.

I suggest that all future applicants read through the insider’s guide to admissions, where they explain this all…

It is something that I have posted on this thread many times, going back to its inception.

Good luck.


Wait are you saying it’s an indicator of rejection? but how if they are on a separate path from admissions? also was everyone asked for 2020 tax returns and if i wans’t does that mean it’s going to be a rejection?

Regarding FA? No… I am saying the opposite. FA learns your admission fate the same day that you do. Nothing prior to decision day via FA is an indicator of anything related to admission. They are simply trying to complete every FA file until they are content that they have enough info to do so. Once they know if you are admitted or not, they will clearly stop asking for things from those not admitted. But no one should read anything into any communication related to FA until then.

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Okay yeah that’s what I figured but you typed is an indicator so I got worried for a second

Wait did people get an email about when they will be releasing decisions?

Yep…March 30, you’ll get an email when your portal is update, per USC admissions instagram.


I typed that prior to decision day, nothing via FA is an indicator.

Most people (particularly on here) see portal update before email.