USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Has anyone reported any portal indicators in the past few years?

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Nothing that ever meant anything. Also till last year, it was packages first (for most people) then portal update.

Tons of conspiracy theories - or better known as internet pastime - that net nothing.


Do you think people that got accepted that weren’t merit scholar finalists/ recipients will receive a package this year? Did they last year?

This really worries me. I did not realize that it would be a determining factor. I was unable to visit, despite having a whole trip planned for last spring break. I did a lot of stuff online but my application does not tell them they are my #1

This has been my experience, and between 3 kids, we have had applications in at 40 plus schools (not USC). Rejections usually did not receive an email about decision releases, acceptances did. Waitlists tend to get emails, more often than not.


that’s what my sister said and what i have learned from my 23 other decisions, thank you!

but did anyone get an email at all?

or are you saying they an email when the portal has been updated because on youtube USC kids would get an email from USC even if they were rejected.

When i got rejected from BU I got an email right away

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I think they will email everyone, whatever the decision will be.


Clarifying question: Are you saying that advance notice of a decision release date/time comes to those eventually accepted and/or waitlisted but not to those denied admission? If so, that has not been our experience with either our S18 or S21 this year. S21 was just accepted to Northwestern and he received no advance email indicating decision release date. He found out through college confidential and perhaps via social media.

Any decision indicators this year?

My DD was rejected at NW… But I swear they released a message ahead of time, they were not sending out any official announcements. Of course I am talking in generalities. 4 years and 40 plus college applications… I bet there was some outliers, plus I am old, I am lucky if I remember what I had for breakfast today. My DD did get notification from NYU, and I don’t expect her to get in there.

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For my son (13 schools thus far), he has found out his decisions (accept and reject) by checking the portal first. 90% of the time, an email basically saying, “check your portal” was sent well-AFTER the portal was updated – in some cases, a few hours later, and even the next day. In a few cases, (Williams and BU), the email to “check your portal” was sent at almost the exact same time as the portal was updated.

Well… it is why I posted it on this thread back last July and have repeated it many times here. It is also why I have repeatedly linked here the USC Insider’s Guide to Admissions. Hopefully your application packet itself is enough to convey a strong enough affinity for USC. Good luck.

USC is basically saying that everyone will get an email suggesting that a portal update has occurred. That is for both admits and rejections. They are trying to prevent server overload. But it never seems to work… as many, if not most, are refreshing their portals all day on the announced decision day.

So unfortunate that these bright, hardworking kids have to also read between the lines or do extra research to try and crack a secret code. If the CDS says demonstrated interest is not considered…schools should not consider it. As I posted earlier, it is a Grey area and these tiny, nuanced things are not something 17-year olds would normally think of. I know it’s the nature of the beast, but my heart breaks for these kids who focused on demonstrating interest to schools who specifically said it would count - only to find out that in reality, it counts everywhere to some degree.


Tomorrow 7:15pm EST USC will play top ranked and favorite Gonzaga for entry into the Final Four. Unfortunately the best player for USC who is a freshman will enter the draft so this may not repeat itself next year.

I can’t think of a better diversion than the games tonight and tomorrow. It will be a tough game for USC as Gonzaga is undefeated and the overwhelming favorite but besides Baylor and maybe Michigan only USC has a good chance of an upset.

It’s the first time USC and UCLA have been in the Elite Eight at the same time!


This year has been so tough for the kids applying. My son has seen nothing but rejections - even his safety schools! Luckily, he finally got one acceptance late last week and it took some of the pressure off. His number one choice is USC, but I think it’s a longshot at best. Someone in his high school already got in with a merit scholarship, so it makes it even tougher for him.

I think when all is said and done, we’ll find that acceptance rates to schools is roughly half given the sharp rise in applicants. Good luck to everyone!! Just about 30 hours left to go!! :slight_smile:


I thought I read up above someone was notified on the decision date via email. We didnt get an email.