USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Around noon was when they started rolling out last year and it finished up with California and west coast at 4pm last year


I think CC can do some improvement for any Decision thread.
Now matter one is new to thread or keep scrolling, there is flag/banner that states decision date and time…

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Love the schools that love you people

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So cali comes out last?

or answered by machine learning AI etc

Yes at least according to last year

This has all been one heck of a journey! Thank you all for being there!!! My best wishes to everyone that what’s meant to be will be and it WILL BE for the best!!! :slightly_smiling_face: :four_leaf_clover: :star2:


is that pst or est?

Robo answer:pst

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Noon PST is expected start. We’ll see.

Please post:

Major or school
City or state or country of outside U.S.

Anybody knows the admissions data this year?

72,000~ applicants
8,100 expected admits for Fall.

That’s all we have so far.

Everyone seems so sad that this is the last one but isn’t anyone waiting on Ivy day??? And then waitlists? Somehow it seems to go on forever! :tired_face:. And then you actually have to make a decision and go somewhere. What a crazy ride.


We haven’t been contacted regarding financial aid by a single school for my daughter and she’s been accepted to 12 so far.

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ivy day is going to disappoint me…lol

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If you don’t get accepted to an Ivy at least you gave it your best shot and there won’t be any regret. I look back on my life and my biggest regrets are the times I had a
chance to take action and did not.


I often wish i could go back and tell myself to be braver, to take more chances bc those missed opportunities can become lifetime regrets. Believe in yourself and give it your best and everything else is out of your hands.


Does anyone know if USC waitlists for their tiny BFA programs?

I want to think I read they dont use a waitlist and instead offer admission to the spring term (if you would have been otherwise WL). I could be wrong tho as some programs might have one.

USC doesn’t waitlist students.