USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

The end of the circle drives people crazy. I hope you all have gotten good schools so the pressure is not that huge.

Any indicator this year?

I know the situation is different but am i the only one who thinks its really not fair to this years seniors. They missed the end of their jr year and 80% of their senior year so far and the srs from last year were babied bc they lost the last few months. Around where we live the community came together and made them all gift bags and gave them all so much support. Most of our kids didnt even have the option for testing while the ones from last year were 90% done with their applications and most were just waiting to hear back. Meanwhile this years seniors have had everythjng cancelled and get told “you should be used to it by now” any time they complain about it or ask about doing the kind of things they did last year. Then kids just simply not wanting to do online classes for their freshman year deferred or reapplied this year and i have heard of a ton on schools accepting a lot less students this year bc all the deferrals last year.


Also they didnt get near the amount of opportunities for scholarships :frowning:

do merit scholarship decisions also come out tomorrow?

Kaufman (school of dance) does use a waitlist… or at least they have in the past.

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Is there any portal myth like UCB?

I hate uc Broccoli after it rejected me!


Thanks. I thought the smaller BFA programs might be different from a waitlist perspective.

My son has already resigned himself to the fact that ivy day will be a bloodbath. He applied to five; many of his friends applied to more. And of course Stanford may not come in until the 9th. His last two decisions were waitlists and we almost celebrated after the rejections that came in before that.

We knew nothing about USC when we went to visit other than the fact that they gave generous merit and had a great marching band. We all ended up very impressed with everything we heard and with the atmosphere on campus. He was shocked and thrilled to be considered for a merit scholarship despite his top grades, test scores, and EC’s because the more you learn, the more you realize how many thousands there are with similar stats. It’s also great to have an early acceptance- many of his friends have only gotten into safeties so far and are facing a very anxious week until ivy day.

Good luck to all today!


April 1 per their SM.

Good luck to your son. I think he’ll get very good IVY schools on 6th.

An ig page posted decisions would start rolling out at 4pm pst in waves

It’s @scclassof2025 on their ig story

not sure how they know but they do and my issue is why is admissions releasing info like this to some students but not all. Admissions def had to tell somone for the word to get out so why can’t they just publicly post it to put evryoe at ease

I hope that’s wrong 4pm is so late -east coaster with no patience


yes, 4pm pst is 7pm est which it too brutal for as we have to wait practically all day


maybe its 4pm est?

it says pst which makes sense because USC is running on pst

The account it run by USC students so maybe the have insider info from admissions because they are already students