USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I applied test optional, but it could be indicative of needing an official score report for admissions?

that might be a good sign because they may want an official report and not self-reported now that you may have been accepted

I could be wrong, but I think UCSD asked for like official AP score reports and not just self-reported before giving me my decision but I withdrew so I’m not sure if it was indicative or anything lol

i wish they would give us a solid time im so nervous


I see it but I sent an official score report when I applied so it’s always been there.


It’s likely in an attempt to spread out the influx of logins to their portal


Good Luck today y’all!!!


Good luck everyone!!! Remember this decision does NOT define you and you’re going to have so many more opportunities. If USC is not the fit for you it’s because there’s a better college for you that you’re gonna thrive at and be much happier at!


I completely agree with you, my daughter is a Sr this year and it’s horrible!


The 72,000~ comes from the merit scholar info session in February, and the 8,100 comes from an email USC sent out to counselors at the beginning of the month.

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This really helps.

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Would international students be getting decisions early?

To further your point, recent research indicates that high school GPAs (or actual success in the classroom) are a far better indicator of projected success in college versus standardized test results…


HS GPAs measure a students progress over the course of 4 years whereas standardized tests only measure your ability to get used to them. Getting a good score on tests depends on how familiar you are with the format of the test, it doesn’t really prove how smart or capable you are. GPAs show you increasilgly taking harder classes and pushing yourslef to reach your potential and it shows your strenghts in many aspects that standarized tests don’t test for. HS GPAs are way better indicator of success. This year is explamplriy of that as many taltended students were accepted TO who in other years wouldn’t have made it past the threshold because of their low test scores.


Congrats to your son. This year is such a lottery, and decisions are all over the place. My S21 has also had many waitlists (UChicago, WashU, Vanderbilt, ULCA) but has also been accepted to Northwestern, Emory, UC Berkeley (and other UCs), Georgia Tech, UMich, Case Western etc. He was disappointed to not be considered for the Merit scholarships at USC as he is also a very strong all around student, but is taking it in stride given the craziness of the decisions this year).

USC is a wonderful option if the finances work.

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what did you son apply for at USC?

My fav food is flatbread pizzas 🥲

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@WWWard I recall their being a totally different allocation of the merit scholarships this year. I thought I saw that the Trustee scholars doubled to 200 this year, with 400 Presidential and the rest spread out over the Dean and other scholarships. Do you recall this?

Good luck everyone. Such a stressful time. My daughter was accepted last year. We got the email around 4 pm PST. One or two days later she got the email for a merit scholarship. She loves it even though she’s home.

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I disagree somewhat. GPA is very subjective dependent on the teachers whim, dependent if the student has a wealthy family that has a tutor for every subject, pity grading to make a student look better and dependent if the kid took any of the classes in summer or right before so they already knew the subject. For SAT/ACT, anyone can buy the standardized test prep books on Amazon and study the same if you’re motivated. It’s a good indicator of intelligence and readiness under pressure. For GPA anyone can game the system.