USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I think they said April 1

I’ve heard some. Best of luck and hopefully you get off the waitlist somewhere.

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that means mid-year reports weren’t considered. it also means any new accomplishements you sent them were not considered which kinda sucks because my counselor said it would be considered but they made their final decision in september so

does anyone know what time scholarship results come out

LOL I got rejected from Hopkins so a rejection from USC won’t phase me

usc admissions linked a blog post to their most recent tweet, and the blog says ao’s are loading the last decisions into the portals rn

here’s some stats from that link:

Information on this fall’s admitted class of first-year students:

• 8,804 students, selected from nearly 71,000 first-year applicants

• More than 3,800 different high schools represented, from all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, three U.S. Territories and 88 other countries

• 40% from California

• Outside California, the most represented U.S. States are Texas, New York, Illinois, Florida, and New Jersey

• 14% are international students. The most represented countries are China, India, South Korea, Canada, and Mexico

• 1-in-5 will be the first in their family to attend college

• 72% are African American, Latinx, Native American, Asian, Pacific Islander or of multiple ethnicities

• The average un-weighted GPA, on a 4-point scale, is 3.88

• 37% of admits have perfect un-weighted GPAs of 4.0; another 13% earned only one B in high school


oh wait i read that wrong

I feel that. Hopkins hit different.

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So what does that mean for us? Like will we get them soon

Yeah i have gotten waitlisted at UChicago, northeastern, BC, BU and rejected ED from NYU which really sucked and rejected from Emory. I am likely going with fordham but wouldn’t mind like one more acceptance yikes. I was really mad like I have a 40 in the iB and do every extracurricular under the sun

72% minorities? I wouldn’t think so

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i think so

the blogpost says they did their initial read-through of apps in september

yes that’s very shocking

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That seems incredibly high tbh, but plausible.

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Fordham is also a big contender for me! Still waiting to hear on like 7 more schools but if we both end up at Fordham we should keep in touch! Good luck on your endeavors!

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I live in one of the blackest counties is the US and people thought I was crazy for applying to a PWI with an only 5.6% black student body, less than “Other” at about 6%!

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