USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

40% from CA!!! :exploding_head:

yea that’s still very shocking to me

My sister attended UCLA, she loved it so so so much

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cool! maybe i’ll see you on campus next year haha

interdisciplinary science but a bio emphasis! I also got into the honors college which I didn’t even know existed haha

yes! I also had some weird results. I was accepted by Berkeley and waitlisted by UCSB and Scripps. I was really surprised by that!

As a white guy from New York with low stats, I’m accepting defeat rn.


Same for my son - except Texas.

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Looks like UW Madison it is!

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yeah i feel like it’s the perfect fit for me! The USC campus was very pretty but i didn’t expect the location surrounding it to be so urban

Too high or too low? I’m sure % of applicants from Cali is much higher as well.

deans scholarship?

according to naviance it is, i was surprised too i always assumed it was predominantly white. I trust naviance though because they get their data directly from the colleges.

Looking at admission stats as an OOS Hispanic student from Florida makes me hopeful hahah

I am deciding between UT and UCLA as of rn if USC doesn’t work

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not to be controversial, just speaking from experience, but a lot of people confuse ethnicity and race, or are whitepassing yet claim an ethnic background. this data may not physically show up in the demographic when you’re looking with the naked eye which is probably why, while the data could be off, those backgrounds could most definitely be taking up the bulk of usc’s class of 2025.

i live in florida where there are a lot of white hispanics, predominately from cuba and spain, so it throwa people off to read a school’s demographics on paper and then not physically see what they might have been expecting when they visit the campus.

just adding a bit of nuance to your observation :slight_smile:

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Newhouse is pretty good, I’ll take it. Also got BU guaranteed transfer so that’s something.

my sister goes there right now and the area around it is super sketchy like the campus is amazing but u step one foot outside and it’s not safe to be alone when i gets dark


SLO is a fun college town with a great vibe and has more spark about it than UC Davis. UC Davis is a good school, but so is Cal Poly…you have great choices:)


I got into the honors college as well and they gave me substantial aid which is why it’s so high on my list! Still waiting to hear from NYU, Barnard, Cornell, Columbia, UPenn, Vassar and of course USC.