USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I did. Do you think that helped?

nevermind :slight_smile:

Last minute chance me:
Good ECs with a leadership position
Great and Unique Essays
On the Rowing Team


I’m just going to stop refreshing and revise for my internal school ‘A-level’ exam… Need a distraction and I guess academics will do haha

literally on the UChicago board some girl was like shoot I hope the success of my recently published book gets me off the waitlist?? I don’t understand these people like I do well in school and do extra curriculars but I don’t run a business haha


Considering they’re low on students with that status, it certainly didn’t hurt.

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Hi, do you mind sharing what turned you away from UCB engineering? I was waitlisted but am still weighing my options

Very close. My husband attended UC Davis - he skied all the time. Almost a bit of a distraction, quite honestly!

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where is rick singer when i need him most XD


I know same I’m gonna try to focus on some school stuff and just like idk distract myself

I thought decisions were for sure at 5pm PST?

As we are waiting for decisions, I want to ask yall for some advice? I am debating between UT and UCLA as of now for pre-med. What r yalls opinions between the two?

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Who has the link to that article? I know it was pretty far up. The one about c/o 2025


are you instate for any of them?

I’m hoping that a lovely ap chem exam will relieve my mind rn :heart_eyes: :neutral_face:


I am instate for UT but UCLA has been a dream school of mine

My sister’s friend loves UT but UCLA is also really great! I think if you really can’t decide it’s helpful to think where you might wanna live more? Idk that helped me narrow down my choices

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