USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Prior to admission, FA contacts, requests, etc. mean nothing in any definitive manner They are on a separate path from admissions and are just trying to get every FA file complete. They first learn your results today.

It was much easier to predict when their release had been the same for the last 20+ years, which it was prior to covid 2020.

Now this pattern isn’t matching last year, so next year will be equally a crap shoot. Gotta get my birdies back in the office to let me know what’s up!

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Since we’re all manifesting and waiting for our decision, wonderful weather we’re having today?



Wishing everyone good luck today! My son is excited about decisions today. While we wait, check out my daughters reactions from 2 years ago. She’s majoring in engineering at UCI, and having a blast!
Daughters Reaction Videos


Amazing! Went for a three mile walk!


I wonder why USC doesn’t do waitlists? What if their yield numbers are too low predictively? They balance it against spring admits?


I agree! Florida has stopped being bipolar this last 24 hrs! Here’s to that continuing


History… i.e. - patterns of postings from applicants who got requests in the week before decision day and still got rejected… and statements saying so from admissions and financial aid.

Yes can confirm it is basically a full expanded page of the application tab. Identical.

the weirdest thing about the time postponement is that in years before, i’ve seen plenty of people react to college decision offers, including usc, while in class/during their lunch break. there’s also that fact that many socially distanced learning students who are virtual would’ve loved to get the news early, lol. but that’s just what i’ve been thinking about as my alarms went off at 12pm and 3pm and i still had no notification, lol. see ya @6pm :wink:


Does anyone know if there’s a USC program or club for low income students?? That’s the main thing I’m worried abt if I even get in lol

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There are a few if I recall correctly.

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Yes… including all of the QuestBridge kids.

That sounds crazy though. It is 70K applicants. There is probably a funnel somewhere to FA. Maybe not definite but really verify 70K applications seems stupid.

Not all apply for FA. And a lot of it is automated. Also… many are automatically not eligible based on income, assets, etc.

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Any international students got anything yet 🥲

yesss new jersey is so nice today


new york too!


That’s awesome! Will be great for her to watch that again in later years!