USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

where else did you get accepted.

BU is great but $$$$. AU in DC - More suited for Gov Services. SDSU - great school but not at level of USC and Trojan Mafia

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Accepetd: SoCal
Viterbi: Civil


Rejected: New Jersey
Major: Aerospace Engineering
received TTP


Wow, I feel the pain. Incredible stats, sorry you did not get in. USC’s loss. ugh

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accepted - california
major: pharmacology & drug development
no aid or anything in the letter


S21 Rejected.
Applied to Roski
Good luck to everyone!
Go Bruins! (UCLA-bound)


What does it mean to have an acceptance for a “pre-professional” degree in engineering?

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Son admitted to Spring 2022 for History/Dornsife
U 4.0/W 4.6 - 9 APs (6 Senior year), lots of ECs & Athletics


Good for you! Very happy for you!

Rejected, 3.5 UW, 5.0 W, Viterbi. NV is out. Completely heartbroken, he put his soul into that application as it was his top choice. Oh well.

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Eligrayy you got this!! You’re one of the nicest students on here. I hope you get in! :slight_smile:

“Cristian, this decision was especially difficult for us given your ties to the Trojan Family. Your eventual enrollment at USC is of great interest to us, so I invite you to consider a Trojan Transfer planning meeting, which will assist you in gaining admission to USC as a transfer student within the next two or three semesters. We have set aside time during the month of June for you to meet with a member of our admission staff to learn how to maximize your chances of admission for a future term.” I have no legacy or any ties with USC though.


My son is at the beach and not answering his phone to check his portal. Seriously.

Rejected but was I the only one who got this message? “Your eventual enrollment at USC is of great interest to us, so I invite you to consider a Trojan Transfer planning meeting, which will assist you in gaining admission to USC as a transfer student within the next two or three semesters. We have set aside time during the month of June for you to meet with a member of our admission staff to learn how to maximize your chances of admission for a future term.”

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admitted for spring CA Marshall


Rejections are awful. Too many great students getting turned away, but another school will be so lucky to have you!


rejected from socal; 4.58 W/ 3.83 UW; 1490 SAT; dornsife for political science; strong ECs and essays :frowning: bummed more so because I actually really loved my USC app lol

Daughter ACCEPTED!


Woohoo! Love the :v:t3: Confetti! :heart::yellow_heart:


Has anyone gotten in for film production yet? I know it’s one of the most competitive majors in the whole school so just curious to know stats (even just for SCA). I’m planning on attending Chapman for film production so not too upset but obviously disappointed I wasn’t accepted, thought my stats, portfolio and EC’s were strong.

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USC is looking for 2 things: Either you check the URM/1st gen box, or your parents have capacity/affinity to donate. Kid you not. After Athletes, employee’s kids, legacies, leaves little.

Congrats on the hard work. It does not matter where you go. You will succeed regardless. It’s not where you go. but what you do when you’re there that will forge a path to success. USC is for grad or business school. Save your $$$

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