USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

i needed that, thank you #ttp

Yeah, why?

Uncbuff- Spring admit can be great. My DS was spring admit last year, he went to the USC Paris abroad program @ American University of Paris for the fall semester & loved it, and got lots of general core credits for his studies there. And the best part of all was that he had a group of friends in Paris that were all spring admits for USC, so when he went back to campus this spring
(online classes, but he was still physically there), all those new friends were there with him! So the spring admit option can be fantastic.


How many people are on the Trojan Transfer Plan?

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Should I create a TTP thread for all of us with TTP to discuss?


Feels great to have this one out and over with. Hopefully my appeal letter moves me but, I’m not too mad if not.

Congratulations to everyone!


My son was admitted for spring. How do we find out about the Paris program? Will USC send us information?

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ahhh wait that sounds so fun, but I just talked about it with my parents and they’re so scared to send me abroad for first sem :pensive:

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Hello! B.S. in Public Policy

Clelbong- USC will have various webinars coming up about the study abroad options ( and other ideas for fall semester for spring admits), and there are various international schools available. But my DS did Paris and it was a perfect choice.

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Ya. I don’t see many others who were waitlisted so I wonder if it’s possible I get in after all?

USC Trojan Transfer Plan Class of 2025 For anyone in TTP who wants to discuss on here. Looking forward to meeting you all!

aloedust… take your time then & start working on them! The European options are very staid, ie London & Paris and maybe others too.

Sorry to hear that. It’s all so disappointing this year. We’re in GA, you?

Thank you!!! We were thinking of just going to a local college for fall but this sounds like a great alternative and he can meet fellow Trojans as well so it’s not too awkward socially when he starts in the spring.

I will, the experience sounds wonderful! Feel free to not answer if it’s too personal but about how much did you pay in tuition/living/expenses for living abroad that semester?

Annenberg (Journalism major)


Daughter accepted into Health and Human Sciences
Kennedale, Texas

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CT. His GPA was very low (3.3), so it is not surprising. He is just an extremely talented musician. But I am actually relieved because even though I would support him getting whatever degree makes him happy, I was just not sure about a super expensive popular music degree. I mean I hate to even say that, but its the truth.


ACCEPTED for spring 22
International Relations B.A.
1430 SAT
4.0 GPA UW
I can’t believe this is happening lol
Congrats to everyone accepted!

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