USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

We recently visited Tulane and love it!

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Fantastic news! Congrats to you son, quite an accomplishment. As there is always an “exception to the rule”, I love being proved wrong where this is concerned. I hope that he wasn’t disappointed about starting in the spring, and am sure he will make a great addition to USC. I’m sure he has plenty of great offers with stats like that…

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anyone know when merit scholarships are announced? Sometime today?

i’m not sure but i know i had the fsh invite on my portal the day decisions came out

Thank you very much for sharing the information. We will reach out to the counselors.

That’s great news! Thanks a lot for sharing the important information. USC has been my son’s first choice. With the NMF award, it will stay as the first :laughing:

Does anyone know if we will get the usual white box package sometime later?

I would also double check that that 1/2 tuition scholarship for NMS applies for the fall (off campus) as well as when they start in the spring. Again, hope I’m wrong but my experience with Tulane/Miami has confirmed that aid is only available once they arrive on campus

That’s a good point. I will ask the question. Thanks for the thoughtful reminder.

I did not ask that question but I would assume the 1/2 off tuition applies only for tuition at USC (which begins in the Spring for a Spring admit). I don’t know why it would apply for anything the student decides to do in the Fall. The two are separate.


This is correct. The FA award letter for Spring Admits only shows Spring.

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Thank you! He does have several excellent options and we will see what he decides.

So just to reiterate my original point, rather than call it a “money grab” (which I admit does sound derogatory), I’d like to revise my statement to say:

“whatever academic option you choose for the fall is without any financial aid (including FAFSA) If people choose to go abroad thru USC program or otherwise, they’ll be paying full boat. For many families, that is a VERY expensive proposition.

Again, good luck to all…

When do the merit scholarships come out? Today?

Regarding Spring Admit - it is just another way to “bend” the statistics of what their “incoming” class looks like. Spring admits are typically a bit lower in GPA/Test scores than what they admit in the Fall. Anyone who takes the Spring admit route - their stats do NOT get included in the incoming freshman profile. It is a game and a way to manipulate stats, ranking, etc.

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@hcmom65 Evidence of lower stats please? Have you seen the students files? Have you seen this info released from USC? Since USC and other elite universities turn away thousands of 4.0/99 percentile students every year, I don’t think they have to reach to lower stat kids for spring. And why would they need to bend stats?They don’t even want all the 4.0 kids, they want a well rounded class of diverse talents. They have way more great kids than they have room for, and they offer those kids a place in spring when some of that room opens up. It really isn’t a conspiracy, contrary to internet lore.

Regardless, it’s a time to celebrate these student/families and offer support/answers rather than throw shade and disparage them on what is a likely one of the greatest days in their life, getting accepted into their dream school, whether spring or fall.


I have a few questions:

So USC said they only overturn about 30-50 appeals when they get 1,000ish appeals but it’s certain they will get many more appeals this year. Is it possible that they won’t appeal a single decision if they reach their goal of how many they want to enroll?
Say they want to enroll I think 3,100 and 3,100 kids enroll does that mean they won’t even bother looking at the appeals?

Also, is it possible for spring admits to be pulled into fall admits? Say they are short on their goal of 3,100 does that mean they will take spring admits first into the fall and then if there’s more space they will take those they offered TTP and in the event there’s one seat open they will look at appeals?

Basically what I am asking is that is there a chance they wont look at any appeals or oveturn any appeals and are appeals looked at last after spring/ttp applicants OR are spring/ttp decisions set in stone and they look to appeals if they don’t reach their enrolment goal?

I am not throwing shade. From around my area, the typical spring admits are legacy, have a connection to the school, sibling there, etc. This is not the case for ALL. But yes, they get Spring admit and typically are not as strong. It isn’t throwing shade. Who cares how one gets in if they get in. I was just pointing out (and this is well known) that spring admit stats do not go into the Freshmn profile.

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They will look at appeals for sure because there are always some extraordinary circumstances that justify the appeal, but there have been years where they appealed less that 10, one year 3, and one year they went over the 30-50 (maybe that was the scandal year, not sure). So it really just depends, 3100 isn’t a hard fast figure, there is always float in the class figures. It’s not a 1:1 tradeoff. Good luck!

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thank you! I appealed but I doubt it will be overturned. I just tried to be honest and reflective and brought up some new information none of which is like winning a national award or anything but hopefully they still reconsider my application!

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@VArachel What email are you referring to???