USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Yes, lots to love about it, too!

So to clarify - you need to accept Spring Offer by 1 May but not pay until August?

I want to go to USC and will totally do the Spring admit but if I got into an Ivy or off a waitlist I may consider that option

So I can’t accept in May and then withdraw if I got off a waitlist in June?

Don’t want to do the wrong thing

Sorry to hear your son didn’t get in - I was rooting for him.
My D didn’t get in either to Pop Music - singer/songwriter.
4.0/4.4. Her second choice was Psychology - Dornsife, but did not receive an acceptance. She was invited to the TTP - but I think she is going to commit to UCLA.
Kind of glad this process is coming to an end. Wife and I both SC grads, but super hard to justify the cost these days. Good news is she can keep creating music anywhere!


Who reviews the appeals? It says senior advisors, but would that just be the same advisor who reviewed my initial application?

@bluepit Commit by May 1, don’t have to pay deposit until August 1st. If something better comes along, email USC and tell them you won’t be attending in spring afterall. That’s it. Not a jail sentence you have to finish lol just because you commit by May, not at all.

Your situation is actually easier because you won’t lose a deposit if you come off a waitlist and want to do something else between now and Aug 1.

And don’t hesitate to call USC admissions with any questions or email your AO, that is what they are there for!


this email


So no one knows when scholarships will be announced?


Has to be by tomorrow, right?

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April 1 per their Twitter account

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I’m surprised double legacy status didn’t pull her in.

Thank you for the information about Spring Admission. My D21 is considering her options for the Fall. What is Gateway btw?

Kgc1234… on your list, the only advice I can give is forget Northeastern! It’s very corporate and doesn’t hold a candle to Michigan in terms of education and teaching quality. ( It does have the co-op system but it wouldn’t be enough to make up for me). Sorry, dont know anything about the UC’s on your list.

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^^ just anecdotally I have a 4.0 uw 13 APs and 2 DE and a 1560//35 ACT…I am not sure what went right / wrong to make me a spring admit (for my second choice major too lol they must’ve had very mixed feels abt my app or something)

Edit: also not a legacy, first sibling to apply there, parents didn’t donate a building or anything, also I’m a NMF so idk about the money grab angle

Gateway is a large apartment complex right next to campus, but not campus owned. They are one of the few places to lease that are set up like a dorm, meaning you are just responsible for your “bed” and not all the other rent if someone bails. Typical is 2 bed/2bath for four people. Formal name is University Gateway to google it. Lots of students live there cause of perks and proximity.

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Too many great kids applying for limited supply. That’s it, obviously not because you are a lower performer. No truth to that internet fodder. And you will get half tuition as NMF if you choose to attend, so as you said, not a money grab there.

For sure. Tbh I’m super grateful bc I think I must’ve had a guardian angel in the AOs office or something bc I’m sure it would’ve been way easier to reject me after being denied from my first choice and not making the cut for the initial class of my second choice either. The speculation is only natural ofc, I too am curious about why they allowed my app to hang around.

Were you admitted undeclared or for second choice?

Not to stir it all up, but I thought there was a discussion post over a week ago and they had put out that scholarship decisions were coming out on March 31st. Anyone else remember that? Twitter currently says by April 1st (which could be same thing). Only have to wait till 5-6pm as that is when they tend to send these, but maybe it will be tomorrow.

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I think we all assumed that by April 1st meant today… I believe it always said by April 1st tho.

Gateway is private apartment style housing on the corner of Jefferson and Figueroa. A spring admit can not get a dorm room first semester so many spring admits who want to be at USC choose to live at gateway.

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