USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

@stressed2study Scholarships | USC Undergraduate Admission
You can download the list of scholarships. National Merit is only one of the many scholarships that are offered.

Sounds like there is some confusion, so just some general info…

National merit scholarships are not part of this scholarship process. If an NMF is accepted and declares USC as #1 choice with NMSF they are guaranteed 1/2, which happens to be the same as a Presidential scholarship. But these Presidential invites going out anytime are not based on NM status at all. If someone gets invited to interview for the scholarships and then happens to be an NMF, it just means they are guaranteed to get half and aren’t at risk for being bumped to a lower amount regardless of interview. Though they may get bumped up to Trustee, so they should absolutely do their best at the interview!

Those that aren’t invited this round, and end up being NMF, AND then get accepted in March, will get the 1/2 tuition scholarship.

Scholarships are NOT based on financial need. Scholarships are MERIT based aid. Of course, there are some conspiracy theorists that believe they choose people that need the money as merit recipients so they get double bang for their bucks. This belief has been bolstered in recent years since so many students on paper have the stats for merit. There can be little or no difference between a merit and non merit student these days compared to the old USC - it often comes down to the passion conveyed in the essays or an overall application package that comes together well holistically for what they want. Whenever anything is subjective, it is more suspect it seems. But they are just trying to build a diverse class with lots of pieces to complete their puzzle.

Financial aid dollars are based on financial need. And meeting need is determined by USC formulas - many think they qualify but don’t realize parents have assets and finanical standing that are used as part of the formula. Bottom line is your perceived need may not be what USC sees as need. Be sure to get USC all the forms they request after acceptance for them to complete your financial aid profile. Every year, there are those that get accepted (Yay!), but discover they aren’t getting the aid they need to attend. (:frowning:)

What confuses people new to the process is colleges saying things like “90% of the student body receives financial aid” - it makes is seem they are giving away buckets of money to anyone that wants it. In actuality, they are counting the student loans/Stafford loans/Parent Plus loans ,etc., that people take to pay for their education as financial aid - that is not free money by a long shot. Over 50% of the student body is full pay at USC but they end up being counted as a financial aid recipient because while full pay, they are taking out loans to cover the costs.

Just some info to pass they time as we continue to wait for the results - hang in there - coming soon!


Sooo tomorrow?

That’s what we’re gunning for.

Shouldn’t it be the 15th?

In a prospective student presentation done by the School of Dramatic Arts, they refer to the 10th and 11th as a notification date for merit scholarships. This is subject to change, but still that’s the date we got, and the only one at that.

I’d constitute this as early/mid February anyway.


these have been the longest few weeks of my life.


Officially Friday! Good luck to everyone!


Alright now we have a date to wait for!

(Link for those who didn’t see it: (1) USC Admission (@USCAdmission) / Twitter)

I guess we have to hold it back for a liiittle bit longer.


Gl guys :pray: :pray: :pray:

do yall think that the presentation said that 10th and 11th are notification dates for merit scholarships bc that’s when the white boxes may go out (even though it probably won’t bc of covid) before Friday?

They have yet to make a formal announcement saying that packages aren’t coming so honestly, there’s still a chance we’ll see some white boxes this week. If Wednesday/Thursday is their Packing/Mailing Day (as someone pointed out earlier), we could see some local students with them as early as Friday evening or Saturday afternoon (since they use priority [I think?])

Their mailroom is still around and operating but probably at a lower capacity and it’s probably a daunting task to pack 1,200~ folders during COVID.

Edit: Now reading this back, I’m not surprised they got delayed if they’re mailing boxes out, they might’ve bit off more than they could chew and pushed it back.

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Thank you!!! You are the best :hugs:

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What time does everyone think they will be out on Friday? I know its Feb. 12th but does anyone know the time?

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They mention the emails coming out on a rolling basis, so your notification could come at anytime.

Do you happen to know if they will be doing in person scholarship interviews, or will they be online?

No clue, but since the school’s still pretty much closed I’m gonna guess it’ll be online.

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No way for in person. Posted last month…

Who has to quarantine:

The order impacts anyone coming to L.A. County from outside Southern California. As defined by the state, the region encompasses the following 11 counties: L.A., Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, El Centro, Inyo and Mono.

The order impacts anyone who travels from beyond those counties — whether it’s by air, auto, train or other form of transportation — and applies to both residents and non-residents.


Ok, thanks for the info! :grinning:

If they extend a merit interview, does that mean we are admitted?! And we may or may not get aid?