USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I doubt it makes a difference either way. Basically, you will likely receive the FA decision within a # of days of your file becoming fully complete. They understand the need to get them out asap and are working hard to do so. I would just make sure that nothing is still needed by checking FAST daily until you receive the FA decision.

Thanks, the FAST file has been complete for a while.

Does anyone know when Town and Gown Scholarships come out?

@WWWard @CADREAMIN Thank you very much for the information. I will have my son check it out. He needs to to put some work into it if he wants an engineering major.

It’s really just taking a couple classes before applying and getting a good grade in them, so that’s really the wildcard, otherwise totally doable. Good luck!

It’s good to have the option. We are weighing it against Emory where no engineering majors are available. Getting into the business school there is quite straightforward though. Thanks again.

I would check with USC. When my Viterbi son went on a Viterbi specific tour, he was told it is easy and no big deal to transfer out of Viterbi but not as easy to do the reverse. That’s why he applied to USC with Viterbi as his first choice rather than any other program he was interested in since he was not sure if he wanted engineering of not.

D received official letter of acceptance in white envelope today.

However I thought it would also include info booklets info on housing and USC?

was it the big white boxes they normally do?

Nope. Just an envelope.

Sounds like they downsized. They don’t have staff in house to assemble as usual since people are working from home, so guess is that is part of it.

Did she at least get a sticker?

That rationalization doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe it did last year when covid was a surprise.

Other schools have no trouble with this.

For example, both last year and this year UChicago sent out great packets with shirts, hats, banners, stationary, pens, etc etc. Do you think the admissions staff puts these together? Could they be done by others even at home?

I don’t think they are that incompetent not to figure out a solution in 12 months.

I think they are just cutting costs.

Well it will be very interesting to see what this package is that’s arriving for my daughter tomorrow.
She’s an admitted Marshall student not one of the big scholarship winners (only got the $3750 university scholarship). Hasn’t committed yet and we live in the northeast. The box was sent via 2-day Fed Ex from 1150 S Olive Street by a woman whose name matches the name of a woman who works in admissions. At least one other student has received the Fed Ex notification that they are receiving the same package, sent on the same day, from the same woman and they are also an admitted but not yet committed Marshall student. It is a “large Fed Ex box” (17"x12"x3") and weighs 2 pounds. I’m thinking sweatshirt? Hoping irrationally that it’s some surprise scholarship (don’t worry, I know it’s not) and watch it’s just some package requesting addtional documentation or something totally unexciting! Anyway, I’ll let you all know what’s in it when we get it : )


Your child was accepted REA to another school so I’m not sure why you are continuing to come here and pick apart USC. I understand trying to figure out the logic behind admissions decisions but debating an admissions packet seems petty.


Marshall has sent cool goodie packages in the past, I’m curious to know if it’s theirs or something from admissions in general! Thornton has sent a Thornton sweatshirt which was cool cause you can’t buy it in the bookstore, so it’s special to have one. Don’t remember if that was for admission or orientation…Keep us posted!


For anyone having “selection remorse” for housing, you are able to change your priorities and update your profile etc… anytime before the app closes without it effecting your time stamp priority.

If any doubts, just call housing to confirm. We changed my D’s literally 5 minutes before app closed to something that wasn’t on her list at all (a single) and she got it. We had her app submitted at 9:03 the day it opened. Chalk that up to having done it 3 previous times before hers. :slight_smile:

Post edit: don’t recommend waiting till day app closes to make changes, I almost had a nervous breakdown doing that.


Also, lots of students may find a room mate on social media, but don’t worry if yours doesn’t. USC does a good job room mate matching if the student answers the questionnaire honestly. If you are a slob, like to stay up till 2am, and listen to jazz, put that down. Put who you are, not who you want to be, ha. They also seem to match by major - my sons 8 person suite was all STEM guys of different majors - engineering, math, bio, etc., so they all had pretty much the same demands and goals. Worked out really well.

Hi! I just had a question about the Economics major at USC. Looking at international rankings, it seems like it is not the bet one at Dornsife but it’s hard to trust the rankings… does anyone who how good it is and what are the graduate prospects?

Also, do you know if it’s possible to do a minor in another college inside USC? So I’m Dornsife but I’d like to do a business major within Marshall. Is that possible?

Child still hasn’t decided. Visiting USC and several other campuses next couple weeks.

The REA school never sent a packet either, at least so far, so it’s no better. Maybe both schools will when/if an applicant commits to them? Both those then would be done for cost reasons I assume? With so many applications now it’s an easy place for schools to save money.