USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

does anyone think it is possible for a student to have a. 3.86 gpa amazing essays 10 ec’s and great letters of rec to get a scholarship

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‘UCLA or Berkeley, which are arguably much better academic schools”

C’mon, that is straight up trolling to post that on a USC thread. If you wanted to be impartial, then you wouldn’t have qualified with “much”.

Arguably, UCLA and Cal have slipped in the past 20-30 years, whereas USC has tremendously improved both in quality and reputation during that same time period. Even with some stumbling in the past couple of years, USC has the greater chance of being higher in 5-10 years.


everything is possible since they use holistic review. good luck!

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I mean, though you fall within the average accepted GPA, it’s really up in the air. We know as much as you do in terms of who gets a scholarship and who doesn’t.

Just gotta hope they saw what you spoke about and see what you can contribute. “Chance Me’s” are pretty hard to do with holistic schools since 4.0 students can/will still be denied despite being high achievers.


thank you for the info! this blog is so helpful. good luck to all!

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i agree! if i have the opportunity to attend USC, i would really appreciate this input so i can consider my options to the best of my ability.

as a California resident, i personally believe that USC for its FULL PRICE might not be worth it. USC is a phenomenal school, but it’s essentially the same price as an Ivy League. UCB/UCLA are WAY MORE AFFORDABLE. Sure, USC might have better educational opportunities, but I don’t think those opportunities are work $20-30k more than the UC tuition.

UCB/UCLA are also amazing schools and provide so many opportunities for a reasonable price. I would be willing to put up with some of the issues that come with a UC in order to accumulate substantially less student debt versus attending USC (non-film/performing arts major) for pricey “extra/personalized attention”.

However, getting into a top UC is extremely difficult, so I’m keep my options open. And I would be grateful for an acceptance from any of the schools I applied to, including USC.


I didn’t mean to do any ■■■■■■■■. I have no connection with any of those universities. So no apparent bias. I’m here awaiting scholarship posting for my daughter.

I will withdraw the offensive word “much” as that was too strong, I agree.

I am involved in academia so I have an view informed, correctly or incorrectly, beyond just a USNWR ranking.However, the college experience is about more than relative academic ranking, and there is a vibrant sunny strong social experience and community that draws students to USC, and that shouldn’t be ignored, and could arguably be a valid reason to attend.

Now…my last comparative post… let’s see about those scholarships.

These scholarships that are coming out on Friday, are they only big, full tuition type scholarships that require interviews? Or are some of them normal, like say $15-25k no interview, like the other schools?

There are a variety of scholarships that one can get if they are chosen this Friday - ranging from full tuition to a couple thousand. They all require an interview! :slight_smile:

You guys see any rumors about any “address” or profile disappearances that could foreshadow an acceptance or rejection?

Oh, wow. Thanks! My son received a few from other schools in the $10-15k range, but they just gave it to him.


We haven’t talked about any rumors here and USC (from what WWWard and CADREAMIN say) is pretty tight when it comes to hinting if a student swings either way.

Sounds interesting though (and I need something else to think about), so I’ll bite, what’s this rumor?

I don’t know where an address or profile is to disappear.


Side note: Your son can still receive a scholarship in April that are just the smaller ones. (Leadership, Deans i think, etc.)

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Hi! I’m new to reading this thread and there’s a lot to go through. I saw some messages saying Feb 12th is when scholarship interview notifications are coming out, how do we know this???


It is in the twitter page of USC admission.

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I haven’t heard anything but I’m so bored hopefully someone finds something lol

ah, thank you!

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USC admissions’ tweet says that music applicants are not included in those who will receive an update on Friday. Does anybody know if this includes Music Industry applicants as well?