USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I’d assume it’s referring to majors that have separate audition processes.

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Just so I’m clear, if you get a scholarship notification, are you admitted, even if you interview and don’t get the scholarship? Thanks.

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@user_489655 It’s the audition ones that come later as @eligrayy said. I have a MI major btw - (and a Viterbi, Leventhal, Marshall and Dornsife, been around ha). MI has a great cirriculum, good luck!

Re scholarships in March, there are 10 associates worth 18K/yr, that’s about the biggest one available at that time, helpful but not a barn burner with their tuition price tag. The Deans and other departmental or organzational scholarship are for less, but every little bit helps! Be sure to check out the list of scholarships to see if it makes sense to apply for any of them.


Random trivia - For more than a decade, this is only the second time they have posted an exact day for results to be sent. They did it for the first time last spring, and it did happen on the day they specified. So I would only assume they wouldn’t post earlier, but that is only based on this single occurrence, but seems likely they will hold true to that date.

Prior to this, for years, and I mean over 10 years - they never posted a “real day” and instead gave placeholder (fake) dates like Feb 1 or April 1 and it was always 1-2 weeks earlier than that. We just knew from history or “little birdies” what to expect and would post it here, but literally hundreds of posts would fill this thread in anticipation and angst.

Friday makes sense to post results so you should expect it to be when they say - if not a Friday, it is over a weekend when admissions is closed. That remains consistent even in this covid distorted reality we are in.

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What time did they say it is Friday? I guess I missed that.

Don’t think they gave a specific time for this one, will edit to reflect that. The one time they gave a day for scholarships they didn’t start till late afternoon, but not sure that has any bearing this year.


Thanks for the info!

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they said it comes out in waves so maybe 8 am to 8pm?

I’m very curious to see if they wait till 4pm or later (the usual play, announce and turn off phones, ha) - they may do that which will certainly make many antsy that day! Hopefully they have some compassion and do it in the morning, but better to plan on later to not drive yourself crazy then anything earlier is a bonus.

Regardless, starting at 12:01 am, some people will undoubtedly start checking the portal, totally normal behavior during this kind of thing!

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Crazy how close we are, but I’m excited to see people coming in and telling the good news!

Hey im new to this thread! Will everyone who submitted by the December 1st deadline be notified of a decision/scholarship decision? Will I only be notified if I was selected as a semifinalist for a scholarship?

Everyone gets a notice. Those who are finalists will get an update on their portal, while those who aren’t will receive an email.

how many people will be receiving merit schoalrships?

thank you!

@collegeahhhhhhhh Usually, around 1000 to 1200 get invited to interview for scholarships, and of those 1000 to 1200 2/3 get big money (half or full tuition) and 1/3 get less (around quarter tuition). These 1000 to 1200 are selected from the 12/1 applicant pool which is usually 40,000 applicants, but most likely larger this year


I applied wayyyy back in August and I don’t think I can wait until April lol. However, only time will tell.

Question for those in the know: From all of the great information I’ve read here, it sounds like the “audition” majors - ie dance, music, theater, etc. won’t hear anything at this week’s announcement regarding the early scholarships. Does this mean those folks simply aren’t considered for Trustee/Presidential level awards? Seems odd to exclude performance majors from those potential schollies. Thanks for any info.

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If not given a scholarship and being put in the normal pool, does anyone know the date they will be sending out decisions?

By April 1st