USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

how?? Is he in performing arts or something?

Maybe he was misinformed…a friend told him he knows someone who got accepted yesterday and he was surprised because he was expecting today.

Don’ t you live out of state? For California residents, the cost of four years at a UC is less than one year at USC.

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do you get email or portal changes?

I highly doubt someone was accepted yesterday


i won’t write the claim off completely, maybe it was a system glitch causing an early release!

From what is known, if admitted you will receive a portal update.

If you are still in review for April you will only receive an email.

Best of luck to everyone today by the way! I’m trying not to stress myself out, but we all worked hard to get here! Be proud of your achievements! Hoping the best for everyone.


i think it’s both ? i’m just gonna keep refreshing both haha

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Thank you. Best of luck too.

Thank you.

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My friend who applied to the Iovine and Young Academy received an interview invite in the mail this past week, along with a mask and lanyard. Granted USC’s tweet did say that IYA applicants were excluded from today’s results, but has anyone else received something similar?

Ayyyy English gang!

is the planning worksheet for USC FAST unavailable for anyone else? i don’t rly know what that’s supposed to be

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Yeah the planning worksheet was unavailable for me, as well.

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Just received a Congratulations email and all I could see was that it was from the University of Sout
…It was an email from someone about my acceptance to the University of South Carolina, which I got back in mid-DECEMBER.

Thanks for giving me a heart attack, other USC.


Bruh you just gave ME a heart attack.


Does anyone know relative to the email (or box) being anxiously awaited, are the Scholarships being announced “any and all merit scholarships” from Trustee/full tuition all the way down to their Leadership scholarship of $10k/year? Or are only the full and half tuition recipients invited to interview for their scholarships? Thanks.

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Hahah the same thing happened to me. I saw a “financial aid update from University of South- …Carolina”


My guess is we won’t hear anything until at least 2pm pst, possibly even after 5pm. I think the admissions office will try to avoid the onslaught on phone calls after release time.


y’all my portal was buffering and i PANICKED i thought it was gonna change :sob: