USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

It has been around 40k for the December 1 deadline for years, for some reason that figure has always stayed pretty consistent, even when overall applications have gone up dramatically. There’s a lot that don’t apply until after December 1…that is the group that seems to impact the overall number more each year.

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has anyone heard back yet?

aaahh its gonna be such a long day!

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they said “invited to interview for our largest merit-based scholarships”. does this mean that people who get the dean’s scholarship for example won’t be notified today?

It’s like Groundhog Day. If you don’t get admitted today (and most won’t), you have about six more weeks of waiting!


This is a really good comparison lol. So many people have asked me what I mean when I say USC could potentially come out for me today and no one gets it, but this explains it perfectly.

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The scholarship acceptances have been between 1000-1200 for at least a decade. But with 1000, they must expect a strong yield.

do yall think that only trustee and presidential scholarships will be announced today because on this site only these 2 scholarships say notification by feb.

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I imagine yeah

Those are the scholarships, but the winners aren’t announced today. Just that you got in and have been invited to interview for one of those.


wait actually never mind. i think they will announce more scholarships other than just presidential and trustee today bc on the blog it says about 1,000 ppl will hear back today and on their scholarships site, only 300 ppl account for these 2 big scholarships.

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At this point for it to be 12 and nothing’s come out. It’s gonna be a looooong day.

I’m ready for it though! I wanna see people come in and say they got it!

Yes most likely just the Trustee and Pres, but there is a possibily Dean’s could be included (someone let us know)! If someone were to get a Dean’s, they are not eligible to interview to get more.

It use to be if you got the “package” and it didn’t mention a scholarhip, you were simply accepted with the Deans. And they rolled other Dean’s out in March (If they had the scholarship funds remaining determined that.)

So we will see if Dean’s (1/4) are part of this or not. Since just 1000 thinking not, but we will see.



Oops duplicate post!

In terms of yield, I’d expect they’re really staying safe with the students they admit, and are really sure that they’re going to commit to USC. Especially this year I suppose.

Can’t believe I’m supposed to function in AP Biology today with all this waiting!

I have done no work today so far :unamused:

I’m in band right now so I can focus a liiitttle less but I still can’t focus either!

I’m done with school for the year. Just finished the second trimester today. So all I have to do for my final trimester is perform well enough not to get an acceptance rescinded! (ok, I’m half joking)


Say you get invited to interview, when will you be notify if you are selected for the scholarship?