USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Do you guys have an estimate about when the scholarship decisions will come out today? I’m guessing at about 5 pm PST?

They said rolling, but I have no idea what that means anymore.


Most likely around the regular decision timeframe (so when majority of people will be admitted) I think

I assumed rolling meant from the morning to evening but now we’re up in the air. Hopefully they roll out soon!

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You are notified of which scholarship a few days after regular decisions. That just happened in last two years, it use to be the day they mailed the regular decision packages (so it was a 2-3 days prior to portal update for reg decision). So they mailed the packages and hit send on the scholarships decisions the same day.

Not a fan of after - you would think they would let kids know sooner than later, cause I do feel like applicants get emotionally invested with an option they have in hand, which is good before other colleges post results.

But I’m not in charge, ha.

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Does anyone know is the Jewish Leadership Scholarship and other small scholarships are also coming out today? Or is it just merit?

That’s separate and has its own date.

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Yes, this is confusing to me as well. They have stated on their blog they are notifying around 1200 students today, and by my count there are only 440 total scholarships available, including Deans and Leadership. I know many of today’s accepted students will not earn a scholarship during the interview process, does that also mean that no other admitted students will be offered any merit scholarships at all? I guess time will tell, but it would be nice to know if today is about ALL scholarships, or just Trustee & Presidential…

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Is that posted online?

It says here that you’ll know by April 1st.

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The departmental and organizational come out around reg decision timeframe or soon after. You can still apply to many of them!

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They only award 440 total scholarships. The 1200 applicants notified are given an opportunity to interview and compete for those scholarships.


@ellis626 Today is about the major scholarships, Presidential and Trustee (maybe Deans but not expecting those).

This is not about National Merit, Departmental, Organizationl, Associates or Leadership scholarships, those come later, but besides the NMF, the others are for much less $ than the 2 biggies above.

Of the 1000 notified, a certain percentage won’t even interview, they will get accepted/choose other great school. Some will interview, but in the end will go elsewhere. Some still can’t afford to attend even on a half scholarship and will go elsewhere. So giving 1000 acceptances today has always concluded to the right number of scholarships actually used in the end.

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Maybe they did send packages? And they’re waiting for the first wave in SoCal to arrive? So that’s why it’s late notice?

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Ah, that makes so much sense. Thank you!!

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They didn’t send I don’t think

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There’s a couple LA residents on the board (including myself, I live about 7~ miles off the school). Mail should arrive in the next two or so hours if that’s the case. (Morning mail already went out).

Someone in SoCal would say something, should that happen.


We would have heard about a package by now if they were out, so it doesn’t seem as though. Would have been a sweet surprise, shucks.


Is it the case that some students who interview will not receive a scholarship? I mean not only the Trustee’s and Presidential, but also the Dean’s? That seems rough, being accepted, part of a small pool competing for 1/2 or full tuition, and then receive nothing? Or would they likely get a smaller award?

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Right! I’ve been dreaming about that box. The current USC freshmen are just getting theirs now, so it may not happen :((

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