USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Haven’t seen anything for any arts related (SDA, SCA, Roski) on any sites.


I wonder if anyone in those schools have been invited or have been a recipient?

In answer to the question of “what scholarships” are they notifying about today, the email my daughter received was very specific: “…for our top awards: the Trustee and Presidential scholarships.” It goes on to say “This notification applies only to the awards I mentioned. you will still be considered for other scholarships listed on our Scholarships page.” Just FYI

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For Thornton FYI: Daughter had 2nd audition for Thornton Popular Music at end of January. I know SC email last week said Music, Dance and IYA wouldn’t hear anything today. She doesn’t have any portal updates, nor an email as of yet.

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I wonder if this was to include Theater also?

Last year’s letter didn’t mention any scholarship by name. It just said
Scholarship Status: You have been selected as a finalist for a USC merit scholarship.

Did anyone admitted today not have “scholarship status” on their letter?

Also, I don’t see any mention of the Mork scholarship anywhere. Is that scholarship no longer awarded?

FOr those you that received the email, did it ask you to check your portal?

They still have auditions this week and next.

can they still admit wbb during the April 1 decision date?

Wait so do arts applicants just not get merit scholarships🥸

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From my understanding, arts applicants can still receive merit - they just don’t hear during this initial announcement as many of them are still auditioning.

The Kaufman email said that they are decided by the faculty that the interview for that specific discipline will determine scholarships.

Got the “no scholarship” email. Any National Merit Finalists here who received a scholarship interview? Just wondering how many NMF they extend scholarship interviews to? Also, do all NMF get the NMF Presidential scholarship? Do some NMFs get accepted but with no scholarship? Totally confused on this, and if this no scholarship email means a rejection on 4/1.

Yeah that makes sense. I hope they let us know sooner rather than later

Oh my god. I got the email asking me to check my portal, and I GOT INTO WBB!! No scholarship sadly, but just my acceptance letter


My son is national merit and got the scholarship letter. it says would be for either half or full tuition.


Yes - it said to check your portal.

Don’t be down yet! I believe WBB automatically includes scholarship $, so check more into that. Search WBB in threads on this site, there is lots of info there from current and past WBB’ers.

If you are NMF and get accepted to USC (now or in March/April) and then list USC as your first choice with NMSC by May 31, then you will receive a half-tuition Presidential scholarship.

Many NMF do not receive early acceptance and are accepted in March/April. If they do receive early acceptance then they will receive either the half-tuition Presidential scholarship or the full-tuition Trustee scholarship.

Being NMF and not being accepted early is not a sign of rejection.

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i think if you scroll down to the bottom of the admission letter it will say scholarship status