USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

It automatically includes one? I did not know that. Thank you

Don’t worry, this does not mean a rejection on 4/1. My D20 was an NMF last year, and did not get an invite to interview for the scholarships. However, she did get admitted to Marshall in March. She did not attend, but had she done so, and selected USC as her first choice school, she would have received the NMS scholarship for half tuition. (Although our financial aid grant exceeded the scholarship, so, it was kind of moot).

This year, my D21 is also an NMF, but also did not receive an interview. So not all NMFs receive the invite! Our fingers are crossed here for April 1!

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nope the last thing on the second page is info about the deposit

Yes, finalists are those going for the biggies, Pres and Trustees.

There were three people that posted they received acceptance with no mention of scholarship or interview.

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I got in!!! so thankful. it says i’m in the running for both (?) full and half tuition. i thought usually u were in the running for one?


It’s mentioned in the “no” email that "NMF will receive a USC Presidential Scholarship worth one-half tuition. "


Where were you admitted

does anyone have an idea on why i might not have gotten the scholarship interviews if i received a likely letter from yale? i just really confused and sad since usc was my dream school

Thank you so much for the clarification :slight_smile:

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Same here - crossing fingers for 4/1. Thanks so much and good luck! :))

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Are there admissions that are not tied into receiving scholarships?

Because applications are up an incredible percentage and the AO’s are working hard to put together balanced classes. So Yale wants you but USC might or might not want you later just not enough to offer a scholarship right now. There are other scholarships at USC and if it is your dream school, then you might get in on April 1st. BTW, I know a very high stat kid who got into a great Ivy EA and then was rejected by UVA so who knows why?..

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I’ve taken a bit of a break to let everything marinate. Anyway I’m back! Even though I didn’t get a Half or Full Tuition Nomination I did get an email saying I got paid on the exact same minute the emails came out, so I see this as a good sign from the universe.

Anyway! We’ll come back up in March! Still 7,000 spots! Don’t let this define you :smiley:


I should also mention that it says I was selected as a finalist for USC Merit Scholarship. I’m also NMF, does that mean that even if I don’t get into the 300 people, I’ll still get the half tuition?

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also still no email… lol usc wyd

Anyone who applied to WBB, please reply. I really need some clarification as to whether I’m going to receive any scholarships

I also got in with no scholarship info. Same for another person that got in.
Considering Wbb says on its website that only scholarship candidates are release in mid feb, probably we are considered for scholarship. Also, it’s reasonable that they would have a delayed scholarship info considering the admissions committee is not by usc alone but from three schools altogether.

Thank you so much! That really helps. Haha future WBB cohort I guess :slight_smile:

@cutestchihuahua @DERICKKWAN Here’s the post I suggested you search for, was prob easier for me to find…likely all still applicable except you didn’t get a box, but the same letter/info. @AggieMom68 (I miss you around here!) posted this informative post when hers got in to WBB, I have shared it many times - here’s the part I was telling you about!

Fortunately, all WBB students are awarded either a 1/2 tuition or a 1/4 tuition scholarship as part of their acceptance to the program.

Those applying to the WBB program, I am reposting from previous years.

@Quantjock reposting from last year. Thank you!
04-28-2018 at 11:13 pm edited April 2018
Hi, proud parent of a newly enrolled USC Marshall World Bachelor in Business (WBB) student here. I’m posting this as an FYI for any future WBB Presidential scholar early admits and their families. The merit scholarship process works slightly different for WBB (as we found out the hard way) and there isn’t any info posted on USC’s website about the specifics. Hopefully by posting here it will help smooth out some of the bumps we encountered this year for future WBB families. I’ll cross post this info to the Trustee/Presidential scholarships thread in case Google sends people there.

Most (not all) of the US WBB admits are notified of their acceptance in the early round with other Trustee and Presidential admits. In their admission letter in the “White Box”, WBB early admits are notified that they are invited to interview for a Presidential scholarship during one of the Explore USC scholarship events. One bad thing about the acceptance letter is that the actual WBB program acceptance itself is hard to find. It isn’t listed in the main section of the letter but is found as “additional information” at the very bottom of the second page under the Merit Scholarship Status section. Not seeing that right away led to many moments of wondering whether a WBB admit was out of the running.
The Explore USC visit, overnight stay and scholarship interview were exactly the same for the WBB kids as they were for other Presidential scholars.

From that point forward, things start working differently for WBB. Scholarship notifications for most USC Presidential and Trustee winners happened via portal the night before Regular Decision boxes were sent out by USC Admissions. That didn’t happen for WBB admits. Do not, I repeat DO NOT, wait up all night refreshing the portal. Or the next day, or the day after. It will never update. WBB scholarship decisions and notifications are run thru the Marshall admissions office, not the main USC scholarship/admissions office and they will not show up on the USC portal. This year, the WBB early scholarship decisions came via an email from the head of Marshall admissions, in the afternoon, 4 days after other scholarship results were posted on the portal. Those were four very long days and nights for us, waiting and wondering about the results of the scholarship interview. Knowing before hand that the portal would never update would have been nice to know.

Fortunately, all WBB students are awarded either a 1/2 tuition or a 1/4 tuition scholarship as part of their acceptance to the program. The WBB scholarships are joint awards from all 3 partner universities (USC, HKUST & Bocconi) and they transfer to each school as students travel to them. It’s welcome news for the US admits that the scholarships are applied to each school’s local tuition cost. For example, if tuition at Bocconi is 14,000 euro, the 1/2 tuition WBB students pay 7,000 euro the year they are in Italy plus room/board. After doing the math, this aspect of the WBB program made USC an extremely attractive option for us.

One downside that is unique to the WBB merit awards is that they are program specific and are not transferable to other majors at USC. If students leave the WBB program to transfer to Viterbi or into a different major in Marshall, they forfeit their scholarship.

WBB students must also maintain good academic standing which is spelled out in the acceptance letter as at least a 3.0 GPA in all Marshall business classes and at least a 3.0 GPA in all USC classes. Grades at the partner institutions must be maintained at an equivalent scale. With only 2 full years at USC, and less within Marshall itself, that leaves little room for a couple of weak grades. That is another downside and may be why the WBB program is so selective.

One last important item…we found out recently at admitted students day that the WBB scholarship award will not officially post to the USC financial aid portal until sometime this summer. It’s only after orientation when the WBB classes are scheduled, that the WBB scholarship notification is sent by Marshall to the financial aid office and applied to the portal. Until then, the only proof of scholarship is the emailed letter from Marshall. Hang tight and don’t stress too much about the big numbers on the financial aid portal, it will eventually be fixed.

I hope this is helpful for future adventuresome WBB admits, Fight On!

Disclaimer: WBB office is working diligently to improve their processes. Last year we did not have to wait long for any info. Once you receive the white box, your child can email them and get all the doubts clarified. Also, I am not sure of ALL the admits get merit scholarship. I do not have details on that.


you’re amazing, thank you so much

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