USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

@CommanderPumpkin people who applied 12/1 received consideration for their major merit awards, which was shared yesterday (invite to the scholarship process), which meant they were also notified of their acceptance.

how long did it take ur admissions counselor to respond, i emailed yesterday and havent gotten a response back yet

danggg are we gonna find out anything before April?

That’s an excellent question and would apply to my son too (hopefully he is accepted in March, but if not, and if he didn’t like the school he attended freshman year, would be good to know if the NMF scholarship would apply from sophomore year on).

We got notified of the scholarship denial but not of acceptance or denial of acceptance.

Can someone tell me what date in March regular admissions decisions will be released? Is it not until March 31?

@gusazzi the only people that received acceptance were those who were invited to interview for a scholarship. No one received denial of acceptance.

@mangsit25 When emailing on a Friday of a holiday weekend it will be at least a few days. But frankly, some don’t reply at all. It depends on the advisor, and the validity of the question. They get a lot of junk questions that people should be looking at the website for answers or applicants asking, “Why didn’t I get a scholarship?” Those typically won’t get an answer.

Usually around March 24. Not sure if things bumped later with this covid thing, since scholarship notifications were almost 3 weeks later than they ever have been. So maybe reg decision too, but over last decade it is usually between March 16-24th.

Remember that the Trojan Transfer Plan is NOT a guarantee of admission. It is an advising program that puts students on the right track to becoming competitive in the transfer application process. It does not have any kind of guarantee if a certain gpa is hit for example.

Everything here still applicable, lots of info in this thread:

Trojan Transfer Plan

TTP comes into play with March decisions, and it is not just SCions that get offered it, some outstanding students that they don’t have room for may also get offered TTP. There are blogs that incorrectly say all Scions are offered it, which is not accurate, there are still criteria that have to be met.

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Thank you so much!

I was accepted to USC Marshall considered for the merit aid
Stats were 4.5w 8/405 3.89 uw test-optional
Im oos from VA


What are your thoughts? Across the board, I am expecting to see high waitlists this year. Figures released from College Board shows, despite a large number of applications, the number of actual student applying is down. FAFSA has actually had a drop in first-time applications which will support College Boards numbers. On top of that, the birth rate has been steadily falling, about 2% a year. The admission yield is going to be unpredictable this year.

As stated by others above, you had to apply by Dec 1st to be considered for the primary merit scholarships. Roughly 1000 of those 41K applicants who applied by then were admitted earlier this week and are in consideration for those scholarships at various award levels. The remaining 40K will hear the decision when you do in late March. Good Luck.

I do not recall them responding to my daughters all that quickly. I believe it took them a few days. I think there are only like 40 admission counselors in total, so each one is responsible for 1250 or more applicants on average. It can thus take some time. And as @CADREAMIN stated above, it can really vary from AO to AO. There is no guarantee of a reply at all. But hopefully they do so in your case.


As stated above, the final decisions have historically also been announced during the last week of March… usually around the 24th or so… but always by April 1st. Also for @StrogMedicine

My actual prediction is detailed within post 1328 above. Since USC does not actually have a waitlist, they may be inclined to admit more for the Spring semester. Often, some of those are then offered a move up to the Fall, should not enough actually enroll in various programs. They do so when spots become available. That practice has always been the closest thing to a waitlist.

But as you suggest, it will certainly be very interesting to see the final #s in terms of applicants, # admitted and the final yield rate.

@WWWard… thanks so much for all of your detailed information on this platform. It is very helpful. Since applicants to Thornton, Kaufman and IYA (I believe) were told they wouldn’t be hearing anything during this early round due to ongoing auditions/interviews, will they typically hear about admittance and any merit offer at the same late March timeframe?

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From the below list of USC scholarships: items 2 and 3 (Presidential & National Merit Finalist Presidential) are these mutually exclusive scholarships (means only one scholarship is given off these two) OR can be stacked up? Any idea?

From past posts - the Presidential and NMF don’t stack. If chosen to interview for Trustee/Presidential, you could be awarded the Trustee - which would be full tuition. However, if awarded the Presidential, and you are also a NMF, they would not stack - so you would receive 1/2 tuition total.

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