USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

The letter to returning students also states:

USC is awaiting final guidance from Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) officials on the capacity and configurations of housing we will be allowed to offer this fall. There are no guarantees that USC Housing will be able to offer assignments at all or in part to any category of students.

Priority for continuing undergraduate assignments in USC Housing for 2021/2022 will be given to rising sophomores. These assignments will be in our apartment facilities in USC Village and North University Park neighborhood. It is expected that demand will be high and that the limited supply of assignments will not allow many spaces for juniors and seniors.

Ya, that’s pretty much the same as it has been, sophomores have had prioirty with the 2 yr housing guarantee. Often times sophomores didn’t get their choice in housing or room mates, so they bailed on housing later in the process. Not that many juniors/seniors want to stay in on campus housing with all the rules and limitations so this formula still works.

I suppose upper classmen will start looking for housing now, but leases are not flexible there, so that’s tough to decide when to sign. We’ve been paying our $1800 lease there all through covid, so that’s been fun, ha. But D been able to go back and forth, and is there now likely through the semester since her friends all came back too. Covid testing by USC has been phenomenally easy throughout. Gold star for them on that.

how do I approach admission officers and re-affirm my interest in the school? I don’t really have any questions or anything new to update admission officers so I don’t really know how to approach them… Do I just email them? I don’t want to come off as annoying…

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Also, keep in mind that you lose the sophomore guarantee as to USC housing, and also priority rankings for all four years in terms of USC housing options, if you do not live in USC housing as a freshman. I also agree with the above comments as to Lorenzo being too far away for a freshman. Plus you just lose out on the whole social bonding experience of your first year in college by not living on campus. I would recommend USC housing over any off campus scenario… at least for year one.

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Yes… just email your assigned admissions officer, copying the admissions email for your top choice School within USC. Make it relatively short and sweet. If you are committed to attending if admitted, tell them. If USC is your top choice, tell them. Just be earnest and honest and brief. I would only do so once though. Good luck…


Just clarifying that this is not the case for the class of 2024 who did not have the opportunity to live on campus as a freshman. They are expecting more sophomores to choose on campus housing than usual. Although some freshman moved into off campus apartments, the majority stayed home.

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Just got mail from USC–it’s an envelope with a certificate of admission and basically the admissions letter from the portal. Admitted to Dornsife. Looks like no white box :frowning:




How did your daughter’s audition go? My son was happy with his pop music audition. Have you received a decision? I keep hearing about decisions but everything I’ve seen says by April 1. Waiting is so hard!

She felt her audition went well also. Said it lasted about 15-20 minutes. They asked her to sing two of her original songs - did one with a track and one on piano.
We haven’t heard anything either regarding decision dates. It is a long wait! Best of luck to your son.

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Best of luck to your daughter as well.

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This thread has been a wealth of information (thank you!) so I wanted to jump on and ask your opinions about something. My D21 has emailed her ao twice with legitimate questions, specific to her school/situation (can’t be answered on the USC website). I know the ao’s are crazy busy so we arent expecting an immediate response, but… the first email was sent in December and the second in January. Like so many others on this thread, USC is my D’s dream school. She has grown up hearing about being a Trojan from family members, so we are paranoid that she did something wrong by sending those emails. Would it be possible that she isn’t hearing back because her application isn’t being seriously considered? Would the ao be that obvious and not reply if my D doesn’t have a chance of getting in? Any advice is appreciated!

In our experience, sometimes they provide a quick response - and sometimes they never respond.


I would not read anything into a lack of response, as mentioned they can be very inconsistent depending on advisor. It is not wrong to ask a question, you are the customer here! Some on here may know the answer to your questions but I’m figuring you would prefer the response from them. But don’t assume anything from lack of response, sadly it can be typical during the application period.


Same with my DS…sent 2 emails with legit questions. Crickets

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@TrojanMPT @CADREAMIN @etlinidy I appreciate your feedback! Nerves are running on full speed around here, so we immediately thought the worst. Hearing from you is giving us some peace of mind (at least until decision day:)). Thank you!

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Mine also sent an email a while back and got…nothing. It’s a bit off-putting as other schools that have given her great offers act a bit more like they care about her as a human being and actually respond. I know they are busy, but it’s their job!

Just some thinking out loud…

Not much cosolation, but I can say, once admitted/in, the advisors are amazing, responsive, and easy to reach. They have been great for all my Trojans throughout their time there. I don’t know if lack of response at this stage is a numbers issue and/or that the demand is there to justify not spending time responding. If every applicant sent one or two questions (obviously not everyone does, and some send multiple, so just for example), that is 60,000 or 120,000 questions to be divided between less than 30 people. That could easily be 2000+ emails per advisor even if the lower number. So I think it helps to understand the demand on them. Since the student has already applied, they may wait to answer after the acceptances are out as it matters more then, from a practical time-managment standpoint.

I really think they are focused on applications and maybe that is what they need to be doing for now. When my current student met the advisor that “handled her application” at one of the explore events, he immediately referenced where she was from, the school she attended, and more impressively, nitty gritty specifics from her essay that stood out to him. They had a great chat right there. That was really cool. So if they don’t answer your questions now, when admitted, they really know who you are.

Hang in all and don’t read to much into anything at this point, what will be will be, you and your student have done all you can!


^^^ Yes… it’s a very interesting dynamic to see AOs from various schools become the eager ones once admission decisions come out and they begin communicating more to try and encourage a final commitment to attend. We were fortunate, and both of my daughters’ AOs were good at communicating throughout the admissions process. And they then got even more so post-admission up and until the final decision is reached. Hopefully most of the posters on this thread will have some solid options to choose among during April. Hopefully USC will be among the options. Good luck to all…

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To confirm what you say, my twin Ds got emails from their AO today congratulating them with tips for the upcoming interviews.