USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Does anyone know how they differentiate Presidential from Trustee scholars? I had my interview a couple weeks ago and I thought it went really well but I just wanted to know if there is any specific way that they do this.

@ brmb1477 @MrRobot2018

You will only receive a financial aid decision if you 1st… applied for it, 2nd… completed / supplied all requested information and 3rd… received an admission decision already.

And just an FYI… it can go from nothing being requested to new requests and that reality can repeat many times throughout the process. They can also ask for the same things more than once. It can get rather redundant, but it usually works out in the end. My advice is to just check it at least a couple times per week, making sure there are not new requests for missing items. They often time even seem to invent new categories of requests. Basically, they just want a full and complete picture, and if they are not sure… they will keep asking and possibly in different ways. My family dealt with it for two students and a span of seven years. Ultimately, we just developed the mind set of not taking any of it personally and just supplying what they asked for… even if it was a repeat, etc.

Good Luck


Wonderful. Thanks

You’re welcome

Are you asking how they differentiate Presidential from Trustee once you are enrolled or in the interview process?

I do not work for the university but I feel they probably have an idea of what scholarship they want to offer based on your application. An interview just confirms it.

My (limited) understanding is that each school gets a set number of scholarships to award, so I would assume your application and interview would be compared to the other applicants within your school, with top applicants getting the Trustee scholarship. I would imagine that the interview would be more than just a confirmation because these students are seen as ambassadors for the school. I would imagine being poised and well-spoken would be important.

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So basically there’s this brand new ROTC scholarship (J-100 Scholarship, little to no information on it online) that applies to about 30 schools worldwide (USC being one of them). It’s a full ride with $10k/year towards housing and I GOT IT! I got a 1350 on SATs, 27 on ACTs, and I have a 3.2 GPA (I’m struggling this year due to a broken hand with distance learning.) I told my admissions counselor about the scholarship and my broken hand and all that at the beginning of this year, applied to USC, applied for the scholarship, and got the scholarship. I’m a black male, doing ROTC, and I’ll have a full ride if I get accepted. I also have a leadership role in my school’s French Honor Society, I was the director of a youth leadership team at my church, and I was an officer in JROTC.

Now, the admissions counselor isn’t answering my emails (it’s been weeks) and I’m just a bit nervous. Do you think I have a good chance of getting into USC? I’ve been stressing over it hella. Thanks in advance!


That’s amazing!! Congrats! That GPA and SAT/ACT are a bit low compared to their average, but I wouldn’t say you don’t have a shot. Regardless, you’ll know for sure in about 22 days. Good luck!

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Thank you so much! I’m a bit nervous but I guess I’ll just have to wait and see!

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Congratulations! One has to be an AF Junior ROTC to be eligible for the J-100 scholarship right? Make sure you get the DoDmerb physical/eye exam done asap if you have not yet, since any ROTC scholarship is conditional on passing the DoDmerb exams.

Yeah, you have to complete at least 2 years of AFJROTC, have at least a 3.0 GPA, and a 1100/22 on SAT/ACT.

And I will do that ASAP, thanks!

Is there a particular day of the week USC decisions come out? Is our current best guess Wednesday 3/24?

I thought the rumored date was Tuesday the 30th

Hmm…Hadn’t seen that. Glad I asked. I thought someone rather confidently stated on here that decisions come out typically around the 24th or 25th (don’t remember the date they said, but I thought it was one of those).

Where did you see Tuesday the 30th?

Someone on reddit said that was from an email to counselors

Ok because I just checked here and no one mentioned the 30th before just now. I guess we really don’t know.

Yes I see on Reddit they are claiming March 30th is confirmed for USC RD. I was not able to confirm their source other than several people say their counselor got an email that USC was “planning” to release decisions on the afternoon of 3/30. So I guess this is the best we have now as a date until USC gives us more clarity. Thanks!

For the last 10+ years it has been between the 18th-24th. The 30th would be completely out of character and not their m.o. (although it is a crazy year in the upside down world we have). And if on Reddit, it must be true eh? (Ha) They will post the date a few days ahead of time to everyone but would not put in letters to counselors. No way.


And if on Reddit, it must be true eh?

Unironically, yes, but point taken