USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

The official announcement date is set for March 30th, so the first email holds true.

Time for the waiting game once again :slight_smile:


Sooo late this year. I think kids start emotionally investing in a school when they get an acceptance, but I guess if a dream school it doesn’t matter when you get in. But 11 days after UCLA is a long time.


pls I become emotionally invested as soon as I start writing those supplements lol


@throwawayyyyyy lol, trudat. Should have said “even more emotionally invested”…it’s a kind of a “love the one your with” feeling. Till the next better one comes along anyway. :slight_smile:

For those also considering big blue across town, good luck this Friday!


11 days after UCLA, 4 days after UCB but a week before Ivy Day. Looks like they are placing themselves in good company.


Where’d you find this?

@CADREAMIN Haha we will take em while we can! In all seriousness, applicants should definitely wait to consider USC too if they get in. It’s highly likely for an OOS student it will be cheaper than UCLA as well


The undergraduate admission website


Curious where this was taken from. Would love to have a “firm date” to help ease the nerves!

It was taken from the USC undergraduate website. It is confirmed March 30th

YES!! Thank you! I see it’s a flash screen when you pull up the UG admissions page. Appreciate your help! Let the countdown begin… :laughing:

any predictions on what time they’ll come out?

If they are smart… the decisions will start to roll out after business hours… versus during… lol.

But who knows… over the past seven years or so, the times have varied widely. But the reason that they emphasized the email letting you know that a decision has been posted is to try and keep their server from locking up. But that never works… instead, applicants tend to stay on the portal and keep refreshing. And with close to 70K applicants potentially doing so, it will likely freeze and lock-up or not let everyone log in, etc. I suspect a roll out of decisions versus one specific time at which everyone will know simultaneously. Good luck…


Totally agree.

7-8 EST if I had to guess. That’s around when scholarships were released for the early round

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If I remember correctly the counselor email said 3pm PTS

never mind … it says afternoon

My D21 is OOS and is awaiting on both UCLA and USC. Just curious why you say USC will be cheaper than UCLA OOS? I figured in the extra non-resident fee for UCLA…thinking it’ll be around the $65,000 mark, but USC is estimated at high 70,000’s. We will not qualify for any FA.
Thanks in advance for any insight.

@ttowner USC offers merit aid, so there is a chance the merit aid can make UCLA cheaper. UCLA will be in the 60s no matter how smart the student is. The president’s and trustees scholarships are quite generous. Otherwise no aid, yes USC is more.

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We were hoping she would be invited to some merit at USC but alas nothing came her way. It has been that kind of year. Even the instate school merit has been meager. Thanks again.

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there is still chance for smaller scholarship at USC

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