USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Rivalry aside, during the pandemic admissions swings all colleges are going through, ucla given their history would be at risk of not offering enough classes needed to graduate in 4 years. That extra quarter or two it could take your daughter to graduate from ucla also adds significantly to the cost difference between the two schools.

@Didjaco Almost all of our students graduate in 4 years, the not getting classes myth is way overblown. Internal audits have shown that the majority of students that don’t graduate in 4 years (about 9%) either changed majors multiple times or failed multiple classes. Students in the engineering school are guaranteed classes if they are needed to graduate and majors in L&S do not have enough units to graduate without extra classes so it is very unlikely one would not get a major specified class. But that is prob a discussion best left for the ucla forum.

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While there are many benefits to attending private school, I agree that having to pay extra to get out of a UC in 4 years is exaggerated. We have 11 members in our extended family that have attended UCs. All graduated in 4 years in majors from engineering to bio sci to humanities. Two (chemistry and cognitive science) finished 1-2 quarters early.


While they’ve been doing well recently, in the 90s and aughts it was absolutely a problem with the UCs, and ucla in particular. I believe it was one of the factors that spurred the creation of UC Merced.

Every college is going to have some growing pains coming out of the pandemic with unbalanced classes, re-enrolled gap year kids, etc - people can decide on their own if they have confidence that ucla will handle it perfectly but even if they’ve done well for awhile, their history has some relevance. If the earlier poster’s daughter was fortunate enough to be accepted to both schools and finances were one of the more important factors in their deliberations, the history is relevant. You never know which schools are going to struggle with these unbalanced classes, maybe USC will, but I doubt it.

Aren’t there 20k undergrad? Why would the class be only 3100? I prefer a smaller class…just wondering.

Our merit aid hopes have also been dashed at many schools.

Actually I am an alumni from UCLA from the 90’s. I remember not being able to get into the classes I needed during certain quarters. Ended up graduating in 5 years but mostly because I changed majors and took a gap year to work. That is one factor I worried about with UC vs a private schools like USC, Notre Dame, etc. considering we will be strapped on cash if more semesters are needed. I am hoping this problem has improved in recent years.

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Does the financial aid portal appear in review for everyone???

@ttowner @Didjaco Alot has changed since the 90’s. Our classes offerings and sizes have decreased since completing the over $4b centennial campaign. Also, the return from the pandemic should have little affect. We have maintained the same class offerings and sizes over Zoom, just it wasnt in person. Enrollment reports have also shown that UCLA enrollment has stayed steady with very few gap years.



does anyone know if they would release admission results earlier for international students? i know they released decisions for international students on the 24th last year.

Same time as everyone else I’d assume.

I know that they said that it would be announced on March 30th, but do you think that there is a possibility that it can be before?

Not likely, the date we see is the date we’ll get. Packages (if we get them) are likely to be received after the fact.

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Yes, us as well. Needless to say it has been a very disappointing process. Our D21 is our third kid to apply to college and by far the most talented and well rounded compared to her older siblings. She has the grades, test scores, strong ECs, leadership, volunteerism, etc, etc…The irony of it is that both the older siblings pretty much got full tuition/fees one to an instate school and the other a private OOS school. Still from all that I’ve read on this forum, we are not the only ones not seeing any merit award results. Seems this is a growing trend as some have posted that schools are shifting their merit awards to include a financial need component (for which we do not qualify). I’m not sure how true this is but it would explain a lot to me.

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Sounds exactly like us! Wishing your D all the very best and hope things work out.


Thank you! Best of luck to you too. I am confident our kids will do great wherever they go.

@WWWard Have you ever put together a chart showing the recent history of:
Number of Applications
Number Admitted
Acceptance Rate

I was going to assemble the data but I thought I’d ask you first in case you had already done it.

They aim for a freshman class of circa 3K. But yes… they do allow multiple transfers, which expands the total # of undergrads in attendance when you factor in sophomores through seniors. But in reality, every time that I have been there on campus over the past 7 years or so, I have to say that it has almost always (except around graduation) felt like a smaller school than what the raw #s suggest. There are many undergrads and grad students in attendance, but it has never felt all that crowded to me.

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No. But most of the #s you describe are available through USC…