USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

As a JHU grad, I can say that a JHU rejection may be a blessing in disguise… lol. I certainly did my best to discourage my own daughters from even applying there. It’s clearly a great school in many ways, but it does not really offer, in my opinion, enough in terms of the overall college experience that I would have preferred for myself and what I had hoped for in terms of my own kids.


Is decision date for sure March 30th or are we thinking before?

I didn’t know USC will offer undeclared as a third choice. Good to know! My son applied to engineering and it’s so competitive I figured chances are slim to none. If they will offer undeclared to an otherwise strong applicant, the chances are still slim but slightly better than none. Yay!

Given that an applicant is being considered by two different schools for two different majors, what is your advice on the “Why USC” essay? Do you mention programs/courses from each? I assumed the essay should be answered with a lot of detail about classes and opportunities in a particular major.

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I would take that as a very good sign…

I applied Business Administration and Journalism. I would’ve put Journalism first choice but there wasn’t an option to put Biz Admin second choice lol. Regardless I’m gunning to get into Annenberg since my application has more media/journalism stuff.


A drivers license is the easiest way to check for in state vs out of state. Amusement parks have the same restriction so that is what they will most likely use.

If the state as a whole hits 4 million vaccinations, and LA county stays under a seven day average of 5.9 cases per 100K then we will be in the orange tier. LA has been below 5.9 for two weeks (currently at 4.1) so if all goes well, we should be in orange in another week. If we get below 2.0, we move to yellow. By the end of April, requirements for large public gatherings is likely to look very different than it does now.

Kudos to USC for getting the message out to families as soon as they received clearance from the state and county.

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Our world and many professions do not fit into the definition of one school or one major. I believe they are looking for students who will take advantage of opportunities offered in multiple departments. An example, is Viterbi’s Engineering Plus program. A student with interest in multiple areas should share that.


I applied business admin first choice and writing for screen and television as second choice. I originally was gonna do tv and film product first and business admin second but I wanted to do the BCA program and to do that you have to get into business admin as an incoming freshmen and they didn’t have tv and film production as a second option so I did something close to it hahah. Cool that we kind of did similar things lol


Can you apply to USC as a 1st choice math major and 2nd choice engineering major or do you have to stick with either Dornslife or the Engineering school? So much of math overlaps so I am curious.

I did the same. Also I didn’t to do the extra work for the portfolio and I probably have a better shot at getting in for business than film.

You can choose separate schools in a first and second choice major, however, Viterbi does not consider applications with engineering as a second choice. So that would be a throw away.

Are they sending packages this year?

From what I’ve learned after speaking with a merit scholarship nominee, recipients received a red envelope with an acceptance letter and certificate of admission. The folder was thinner than normal.

Can’t really say what they’ll do for the 8,000 other applicants but I would assume everyone else is getting the “stripped down” version of the package too.

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does anyone know what time decisions come out on march 30th?

Not sure, but merit decisions were released around 5:00 - 5:30 PST

Hold up. We’re not getting the t-shirt?

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There’s a t-shirt?

As of what I’ve read, there were never t-shirts sent to students (unless merit students got them but, they are scholarship nominees)

The best I’ve seen is here.


As much as I would love to receive a commemorative Reggie Bush t-shirt after admission, I’m personally just cool with a folder.