USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Gateway is popular- I do not have my kid there but on the Parents board, there are lots of positive opinions and complaints. Another example is Tusk Villa on the Row (where the sororities/fraternities are). I think for most nicer places, plan for at least $1200-$1300 per bed space (that’s with 4 people in an apt at Gateway). Prices are shown on these links. I wouldn’ be surprised with crazy inflation that these prices start to increase.

Housing is expensive. Dining is expensive. Kids go out a lot.


My DD’s financial aid package was posted on FAST last week. We had submitted everything they asked for by mid February.

Just got a 3x surcharge on Uber coming to look campus from LAX yesterday. $120…. Lyft not much better. Can anyone explain the free Lyft rides around campus? Is it just is around campus or can students take off campus? Also next to the Gateway is there a homeless shelter? Looks like it is between Greek Row and Campus….

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OMG. The Trojan gods have answered our prayers. After weeks in financial aid hell we got the package today - an unbelievably generous package that puts it right in budget. I don’t see any scholarships. We are stunned and so grateful!


There is Lyft around campus, but if you want to venture into DTLA or Koreatown, etc plan to budget money into these excursions. My daughter frequents many places outside the free Lyft zone and it does add up!

I may sound negative, but I am just trying to keep it real with all the extra costs that living in LA entail. For people with budgets or substantial financial aid need, I think this is important to consider. It’s not uncommon to see large Lyft fees on my credit card or expensive meals on the weekends.

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Does anyone know if they are still sending out red acceptance boxes for Dornsife? Thanks!

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What do you think is a reasonable range for spending money per month? I want our D to be able to go out with friends and have fun in LA. That’s a big draw for this school.

Edit: Is having a car at all useful or just a pain?

Don’t need a car, but a friend with a car is nice. :slight_smile: Or money for Uber/Lyft. Parking on campus is about $500 per semester for the permit, mine didn’t have a car till junior/senior year, but you can get by without, unless they get an internship or something around LA that they need to get to. Off campus apartments like Gateway also charge for parking on a monthly basis if you have a car. Spending money per month varies by student. Mine like @CMCMLM did a lot of things exploring all around LA, dinner in BH/Westwood, Santa Monica or Malibu, heading to Disneyland or the beach on a weekend. USC students love a nice dinner it seems! But those are obvious splurges, not necessities, that each family has to decide what they allow/budget for.

Lyft and Campus Cruiser are intended to be just around the immediate blocks surrounding campus and are more about safety and immediate convience. They are used ALOT.


I heard Zipcars are available for rent?

Yes, and pretty reasonable - by the hour, another great option for weekend adventuring.


We just got a red folder in the mail today but not thick like in the past. Pretty disappointing.


My 2019 grad did fine without a car until she got an internship off campus. Until then, they shared Uber/Lift. She also used the Metro train if going downtown or Stapes Center.

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Be happy you were accepted. Some schools don’t send anything except the online portal update/email. And many thousands of students received a rejection.

USC is a special place. My son is there now and is having an amazing experience.


Same as the one my son received from Dornsife last year. Congratulations!

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Anyone had their student do a Maymester? They sound unbelievably great. Do they end up applying for Gen Ed credit?

My son is super excited. This was his reach school and we did not expect him to get in so super thankful. After watching all those YouTube, we were expecting the thick red packet.

Congratulations to your son! He will love USC.


Can you elaborate on what you had to do to appeal? Thanks!

No appeal - just a very long wait.

The “thick” box was a white cardboard mailing box with a USC logo on it. Inside was the same folder you received.