USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

@Havayorkie and those looking at TO…Think of it as basically honors classes for the egeneral ed requirements. But don’t get hung up on the “honors” part, they do not earn this designation when they graduate. It’s goal is to attract students who genuinely are interested in this sort of rigor, involved peers, and intense discussion based coursework, rather than (ahem) those who are more attracted to honors and prestige. Those that should consider it are students that love reading, and lots and lots of writing (many in depth papers) in smaller classes that require more participation.

One of mine found it a perfect environment (she’s a really great writer and loves doing papers), another at USC would think it was a nightmare. For some engineer majors (or other similiar time consuming majors), it is a lot on top of an already demanding schedule. No one should do it for the ego of it, a student should really want to simply experience this kind of education in these specific classes.

There are many extremely smart and intellectual students who put their time in different places -pursuing internships, or dig deep in major-related ECs, or have more time to work on their overall gpa (for grad school placement) for whom TO seems like one commitment too many. All that is to say, there may not be a ton of kids for whom TO is the best fit–and while the program has a limited number of spots (therefore, selective), it’s not about selectivity for prestige’s sake.


Yes and no. Since on campus housing isn’t guaranteed after sophomore year, the students have to choose somewhere nearby to live and most won’t choose to be somewhere that needs a car to get to. So interacting with the neighborhood is pretty much unavoidable.

The neighborhoods surrounding USC where the students choose to live after freshman or sophomore year are filled with students and some working class folks on the outer edges. This isn’t Compton, it’s really a student neighborhood. It’s folks coming into the area (like many places) that you need to be more alert to and why they have a DPS patrol zone that encompasses the student living areas.

That being said, the closer you live to campus, the better imo (for mom and dad too), my D is literally 100 feet from Target and the Village (across the street), but it is pricey. Prioritize and plan for increased $ for housing expenses in the upperclassmen years, you get what you pay for. My boys were still within the square of Vermont-Jefferson-Figeuroa-Adams but a further walk from campus, but they are big guys so didn’t worry about them. Situational awareness is key wherever you are!!!

I agree. My student was attracted to the style of TO but decided there were too many other GEs that she was interested in.

Viterbi has Rusch Honors for those who are interested. There are two tracks, one for TIE (Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship) and another for *research.

They also have the Grand Challenges program and Viterbi Fellows.


How much more? What are typical rents?

You can get a bed space in a shared bedroom for about $1100-1300 a month near campus—but you have to pay for all 12 months. Single bedrooms in a shared apartment are much more, although you can occasionally find them for around $1500 but most are $1800 and up.

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If you receive financial aid they will budget around $1000 a month for housing as part of your cost of attendance.

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Thank you! Any ideas on the housing strategy when the student does a semester abroad? Can they find housing mid-year? Is there a way to sublease/rent?

People are always looking for sublets and lots of people go abroad so I’m sure it works out . If you go sophomore year and are in a dorm, I think usc makes it work. There is at least one company with a complex right near campus (gateway) that will rent for shorter periods but they charge more monthly for the privilege.

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Has anyone in Marshall received their admissions package in the mail yet?

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Thank you! This is very helpful! My daughter loves a challenge but does not necessarily want the added writing if she doesn’t need it!!! I think the engineering classes will be enough. Thanks for the clarification

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Nope still haven’t received it.

Does anyone have a sense of when we can expect the financial aid packages to be released?

Hi, I received TTP and am planning on submitting my appeal tonight. I was wondering if anyone knows how the housing application would work if I am successfully admitted for Fall? Since the housing application is due May 2 but appeals come back May 13, do I have a chance of on-campus housing? I know appeals are super hard to be admitted with, but I know quite a few people through my sibling that appealed and got both Fall and Spring admission in 2019. Thank you!

Hypothetically, if I have a Presidential/Trustee friend in McCarthy whose housing application has an earlier timestamp than mine, and they put down my name for roommate, would I (non honors) be allowed to live in McCarthy with them? Or are they pretty strict with that and put them in my first choice instead even if my application is later?

In 2019 for what it is worth, USC offered regular on-campus housing to successful appeal admitees. What I can’t remember is whether the regular window for housing applications was still open. If you emailed or called the housing office, they could give you the official word. Good luck!

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@4everadawg I agree, I would check with housing because 2019 was an oultlier year for appeals and what they did then may not apply in a typical year, as that was post scandal. Normally, successful appeals average around 10 per year, with some years zero, and maybe a few more than 10 sometimes, out of over 1,000 apps.

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Oh, also, I think you will be fine for on campus housing as it will be guaranteed coming in as a freshman with a successful appeal, you just won’t be at the front of the line in terms of choices.

post edit - there aren’t any bad choices for housing, so don’t sweat that. Even last choice is still a good one. Good luck!

Thank you!

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No, they will not allow a non scholarship recipient to be brought into McCarthy because of a roommate request.