USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

This is an excellent post on criteria to consider when evaluating a school:


yup. in the email, it says that you’re still considered for the others

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no. not selected.

Yay, we’re undergraduate too now. :slight_smile:


Just switched to Undergrad too. 10 minutes ago, it said unknown. Hmmm. Probably meaningless. Received no scholarship email.

I got an email getting rejected from scholarship and now class was changed to undergraduate. what does that mean?


Same here.

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Same. I guess the portal astrology proved to be true?

Son is at practice and so zen about just opening it when he’s home! :rofl:

No scholarship here and we were unknown and now it updated to undergraduate.


thank you so much! i will definitely read through it. my family is at that awkward doesn’t qualify for much aid/can’t afford much debt line… and i’m the oldest, too, so even though we can “technically” afford some price points at the present, we can’t “really” afford them if we’re considering my siblings (which, obviously, we are)


Proved to be irrelevant. From what I saw, some that got scholarship posted they were unknown, others were undergraduate.


Same here

Soooo many in that position, the middle is totally squeezed in this process. USC is at the highest end of cost for colleges - do you think you will get any scholarship money from other schools? Mine turned down some full tuition offers from other schools (ouch) - be open to other money!

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Daughter was “unknown” and got the ‘no schoalrship’ email. She now shows ‘undergraduate’. She’s NMF, so she automatically gets that pesidential scholarship, but it won’t come close to some of her other offers. She may choose elsewhere…which is fine. I feel like if it’s mean to be it would be.


Accepted Vitberbi, USC Fast did say undergraduate.


Last year there were 41,000 apps by 12/1.

Congrats! Will you most likely attend or jury still out?

Congrats can you PM me your stats