USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

I have other options such as Caltech but it’s definitely up there right now.


Portal shows as Undergraduate. However got the email saying “I am sorry to say that you were not selected for further consideration for these awards”. What does this mean? Did I get accepted or no?

Son is NMSF so he figured if he chose USC, he’d have that in his back pocket. Whenever he gets home and decides to check, I guess we’ll know :rofl::woman_facepalming:t2:

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Yes. My daughter was not accepted until March and received a small merit scholarhsip and then in april, after she committted she received another slightly higher merit scholarship.


it just means you did not get a scholarship, but you are still being considered for admission

My son had that one too, visit both if you haven’t yet - they are very different - you will know what you like when you find it/get there. It’s a gut feeling that says, “this is home.” :slight_smile:

Our daughter is NMSF too and got some really good offers elsewhere…so honestly I think USC is out for her now. I can’t justify the cost when two other schools have given full tuition.


Does that mean I would still have to wait for the decisions to be out in March? Or I am admitted and I can choose to attend without the scholarship?

Can you PM me your stats please

You have to see if you are admitted in March.


Where did she get full tuition to? Was one of them her dream school?

major depended on the school, but i applied in the social sciences/econ realm everywhere. (…which are pretty popular majors for “top” schools.) my scholarship situation has been awful. i just keep getting so many narrow misses and it’s just… yikes


Do you live in California


Same here. Even with half tuition, the other 50k is hard to justify with other great options.

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Maybe being a NMSF will hurt your chance for other scholarships.

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Can you PM me your stats

why would it? nmf is the highest scholarship they offer anyway (besides presidential), and scholarships don’t stack.

What other great options are giving lots of merit money? To me it seems most T20 don’t give much at all ? Do they? Or at least I haven’t seen anyone get much

I’m wondering that too but it’s weird to me. I want her going to a school that values her. We have three of those options, two which gave full tuition.