USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

That’s good to know, thank you! Now the waiting game continues…

My son received the “no” scholarship email. His status changed from unknown to undergraduate around 40 minutes ago. Does this have any meaning other than we just now wait for regular decision emails later?

D22 IN!! Accepted OOS.
Marshall School of Business.
And interview for 1/2 to full tuition!

Did NOT expect this AT ALL!!!

So DEAD!!! (as my DD would say) LOL!


amazing!!! congrats :slight_smile:

and business, too! good luck to her :smiley:

That’s terrific! Sending good vibes for her interview :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Depends how you define “great,” but my state school has a super strong CS program (higher than USC on US News) and offered me their most prestigious scholarship that’s either a full or half ride. Also in running for scholarship at a different t10 CS school, both of which are much cheaper than USC.


PM me your stats please and congrats again for your big achievement

dude ditch usc ur clearly in the running for some amazing stuff. good luck!!!


I so wish I had my son’s login info! :woman_facepalming:t2:


rejection? or just no scholarship invite?

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D got in with scholarship and interview


“Your application is still being considered for approximately 7,000 additional first-year offers of admission.” — in 2021 they admitted 8884. has it now dropped to 7000? not sure what this means.


Congrats!!! Wild ride eh? Do you think she will attend?

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Did anyone here get into WBB?

With covid they admitted more cause of unpredicatable yield. Lower admits means they are thinking it will return to more normal figures. 7800-8400 is typical admit (1,000 being today). 8600+ tends to be a year like covid or post scandal.

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no soup for me! i applied for dornsife

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Good luck in March - hope you get a bowl then!


My son (who is graduating from USC this May) was also NMF. You need to make sure that you list USC as your first choice (that is, if USC is) by a certain date. He didn’t apply by the 12/1st deadline since he knew he was NMF.


maybe they over-enrolled last year and this year’s class will be smaller

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