USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

My son was confused and thought the deadline may include NM so he applied. I told him later on he didn’t have to as it was separate

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What does the scholarship interview invitation/acceptance email look like?

Ya when my D was a soph, they totally over-enrolled the freshman class and it was felt even for them. Stretched resources. So next year the number dipped.

Yes, if someone could post the generic part of the scholarship email that would be awesome. TIA!



It just catapulted to top 2! She got EA to UMich and is awaiting Ross. Both great schools so cannot go wrong. Money matters, and fit!

Does anyone know if the WBB scholarships are the same as the USC merit scholarships?

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In answer to your question about the notification -

The portal notification is fun—red “fight on” signs and a burst of colorful confetti all over the screen. The first sentence offers admission to USC and then: “You have been selected as a finalist for a USC scholarship”, and then a link to register for an interview later in February.


Where does it show the “unknown/undergraduate” status? Is it on the student’s portal?

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what about the email?

Do you mind sharing when you applied to U of Toronto and when you were notified? Still waiting over here.

Did you get accepted to WBB today?

At least you have Purdue

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Both great schools and full of spirit! Excellend choices. Hopefully she can see both? I really think there is a “hallmark moment” where they feel home and know the choice they want to make. Hope she has hers!

No, my son did not

My Son applied to Thorton Music:Composition. His USC>FAST>Class got updated to “Undergraduate”. His program doesn’t have auditions, they asked portfolio/videos as part of the application. We didn’t expect any changes or emails today since they excluded Music/Dance/IYA today. But he did have Class: Undergraduate update an hr ago, no emails though, as expected for his Major


My DD applied in early October and was accepted at St. George before Christmas into Life Sciences. No $$ though :frowning: She got her first choice college - University. U of Toronto definitely releases in waves. MY DS’20 was in the LAST wave in March so hang in there.

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I got into USC as a Biopharmaceutical Science Major. And I got into UC Berkeley as a Regents Scholarship Candidate as well!!! Both acceptances were on the same say!


Huge congratulations to you! What a great day!

Just got home and am scrolling through to catch up.

Congratulations to those who received acceptances today! To those that didn’t, hang in there. Today was a very small number of early acceptances. The vast majority of acceptances are in March. As was mentioned a couple of times, there are several scholarships that are not part of this early merit interview process and sometimes the other scholarships stack.

It does not. Every year NM students receive Trustee scholarships.

NM is not the highest scholarship. The Trustee scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship. NM is a half-tuition (aka Presidential) scholarship.

Congratulations to your son! The deadline for informing NMSC that USC is your first choice is May 31. There is time. Just don’t forget.

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