USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

You rock. Congratulations anh

For those didn’t get scholarship today, the admission will not announced today, right ? We have to wait until March ?


So we got letter offer of interview to apply for half or full scholarship. Is it because she NAtional merit semi finalist or is this separate scholarship which we can interview for ?

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Separate. As NMF you are guaranteed 1/2 so do the interview and try to get full! You can’t get less than half. Yay you!


Question forum champion. These are just interviews for 1/2 or full…but you can still get no merit money. Or are you guaranteed EITHER half or full??? I am trying not to get too excited!

S22 didn’t move on in the scholarship process. Since the full scholarship was the only way he was attending, it looks like USC is out. (and then there were two…)

Did anyone that was accepted get an email? My twins were accepted but still have not received an email. Just can’t believe both were accepted I guess.

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If you are NMF and get scholarship interview invite then you are guaranteed at least half. And have a chance to get full

Wow what an achievement. Congrats to your twins

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Son is NMF and still not home so I still haven’t a clue!!! :weary:

So does all NMF get half scholarship or is it based on if you are admitted ?

I think something has to go very wrong to get nothing.

When my child interviewed a couple of years ago, the vast majority received Trustee and Presidential. One person they met at the in-person event said the interview didn’t go well (not sure how) and was offered the Deans (1/4 tuition) scholarship.


OMG!!! I am super excited !! i really thought that there was more of a catch, like very unlikely to get anything, but just happy you got admitted. Then there really is a chance for merit if you are invited!!! Thank you for sharing that.


NMF do not receive preferential admission to USC. They compete against all of the other applicants. If they are accepted and they are a NMF or NMS, they will be awarded the Presidential scholarship.

Note: If a student is listed as “undecided” with NMSC when they are accepted to USC, the Presidential scholarship will NOT show up in the financial aid package. After the student notifies NMSC that USC is their first choice, it will take a week or so for financial aid numbers to be updated.

Also, if a student does not become NMS through NMSC, USC has an additional $1000/yr scholarship that they award in order to make the student a NMS. That $1000/yr is on top of the Presidential or Trustee scholarship.

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I figured so preferential since here so bloody many NMFs!!! :rofl:

You are not guaranteed half or full. An interviewee can also be awarded a Dean’s 1/4 or even Director’s (4k/yr). I personally know several over the years that got Deans and one that got Director’s. That low is rare but it has happened, and the mom said daughter tanked interview as she was already mentally committed elsewhere.

But generally, most will get half or full and of course, NMF’s can’t leave with less than half.

A lot more NMF’s apply than get accepted. But being NMF never hurts your admission chances and is only a good thing. They would not deny someone because they are NMF, they would deny them because of other factors, which may just be having to many applicants that are too much alike!

A lot of scholarship kids do happen to be NMFs so that is why there is so much buzz about it.

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Our 2020 Explore USC was in person so they were watching the students all day, not just in the interviews. Several parents that I spoke to said that their students were already in at a school that they preferred over USC. The parents seemed to be watching the $$ but the students already had their heart set on attending a different school.


The NMF has no bearing on my son’s top couple of choices but he does love the network and weather that comes with USC so the NMF scholarship could certainly elevate it on his list!

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