USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Yup, when accessing FAST it says:

err System is unable to process your request at this time.

Could not read student record from DMS.

Please close this window and try again. If this problem persists, you may contact us and reference the error message you received.

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Did anyone receive a personal email stating when the decisions are released? I know information was on Twitter.

Yes, same. I figured it was just an overnight update since even now it’s still before 8AM PST. We’re watching for Thornton, so I wondered if it was specific to that and not system-wide.

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Is USC gonna release next week Friday or is there a chance it’s today?

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next friday. they confirmed it on twitter and instagram


Given RD decisions come next week, should trustee and presidential scholars find out final decisions on the same day or earlier based on past experience?

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Good question. I can’t seem to find any information on scholarship decisions other than “by April 1st” which is on the table of available scholarships they post on their general web site. Historical insight greatly appreciated

A couple of years ago it was sent two days after regular decisions. I think @CADREAMIN says that they usually come out just before regular decisions.

The notification via email has the subject line of “USC Scholarship Information” and the first line reads “Congratulations! I am delighted to tell you that you have been selected as a ___ Scholar at the University of Southern California.”


does usc look at major specific essays when reviewing your application? like if you had to write the supplemental essay for dornsife, do they consider that as part of admission with your other essays?

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Where did you get this email/information?

I usually try to link to sources in my posts. The words “Viterbi Blog” are blue or hyperlinked so, if you click on that, you will find the blog. Or, you can click on this link:

Colleges look at all of the information and essays that you submit. They don’t see anything that you’ve done or who you are as a person if you don’t include it in your application.

I don’t know USC’s method of reviewing applications but I’ve been to info sessions for other colleges where they said that the Common App essay was the last piece of the application that they look at. Those colleges shared that they review their essays first or put more weight towards their essays. It makes sense that a college cares more about what they are asking from you.

At a USC info session, one AO shared that, when viewing transcripts, she covers up grades and looks at courses/rigor alone. After that, she looks at overall GPA. For certain majors (ex. engineering), she dials into grades in specific classes (ex. math).

I don’t work for USC or have any insider knowledge. Just sharing what pieces of the puzzle I picked up at the info sessions I have attended.


I was quite surprised that USC only allowed one recommendation letter from a teacher on Common App, and even that was optional. It gave the impression of being very different from a traditional liberal arts admissions model.

From USC’s 2020-21 Common Data Set, they list rigor of secondary school education, academic GPA, test scores, application essay and letter of rec as very important. With only one letter of rec to submit, make sure it is a good one!

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I always see people claiming to have excellent letters of recommendation. I also see comments like “make sure it is a good one.” My question is how can anyone know the quality of the recommendation or which one to submit if you can only submit one? My daughter has absolutely no idea what her teachers and counselor wrote about her, and I was under the assumption that this is supposed to be a blind process where the students aren’t allowed to see their recommendations. This is the way it is done at my daughters high school, and if some kids are able too have insight into this process it really gives them an unfair advantage.


You are correct in that a student should not be aware of what is written about them. What I meant was, if a student has a counselor who they know somewhat and who is writing letters for 300+ other students, the letter might not be as personal or might not provide as much insight about the student. Compare that to a teacher who interacted with the student daily, saw how much effort the student put into class, saw how the student participated in class, worked with classmates, added to the class dynamic, etc. Chose the letter from the counselor or teacher who knows you better and who can give USC a better description of the type of student you are in HS.

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Did the fast portal work for anyone today? Mine was showing error a couple of days ago but when I checked it today it was working.

Does USC have a low enrollment of black students? And could that be an additional factor that could increase my chance of admission?



I don’t know which school you are applying to, but we got a Viterbi glossy and they broke out these stats:

410 First year engineering students
50% women
14% black
27% LatinX
1.3% Native American
17% international
65% outside California

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