USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

While we are certainly not experts, I can share that right about this time last year (since he had applied by the December 1 date to be considered for merit scholarships), he sent a friendly email to the admissions counselor assigned to our region. As I recall, he mentioned specifically that he knew that USC did not have early decision but that he wanted to counselor to know that he would accept if he was admitted. He provided some additional and specific information about why USC was his top choice and a meaningful conversation he had with our admissions tour guide. They key is to be genuine and not copy and paste from the usual “Why XYZ” college essay. He talked about a club that USC used to have that he was interested in resurrecting. He did not receive any of the scholarships during the January release dates. But he did email the counselor again in February with an update on his semester 1 grades [even though the school counselor sends a mid-year report] and some new information that was not in his application about some activities he was involved in. I agree that kids don’t want to badger the counselor. Depending on where you live, maybe there is another way to connect --like through an in-person college fair or admissions session. But we live in a rural area of the Midwest with very limited opportunities for in-person regional meetings (both due to COVID at the time and geographical distance from a large city). Good luck to all!


Great advice! Thank you so much for sharing!

Yes… both of my daughters sent a brief email around mid-February to their assigned AO and copying admissions for their chosen School within USC reiterating that USC is their top choice and confirming that they would attend if admitted. USC itself confirms that applicants should let them know this if true in their Insider’s Guide to Admissions.


You’re welcome. Hopefully it helps him in his chosen strategy. And thanks regarding my daughter… :slight_smile:

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when you check your portal under the financial aid for 2022-23, does everyone have “class unknown” under their name? it’s probably just because we haven’t been accepted or rejected yet, but i just worried i may have left off the year i intended to apply for in my application (not sure if this makes sense)

It is the same as Unknown under the Financial aid Tab

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It’s a pretty cute holiday video card:


Happy Holidays everyone - hope the New Year brings you everything you want (and we know what that is)!


When can we expect interview/Audition decisions from USC?

Very cute. And well said. Happy Holidays! and good luck to all in the new year…

For which program/major?

Music composition

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Per their website, Thornton does not have interviews for music composition, so once you pass the prescreen you are done until they release their final decision.

Good luck!


Thank you!

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I just saw on the FB parents page that USC is considering a remote start to the spring semester. Apparently an email was sent to the students.

stanford’s already announced they are starting next quarter remote


Just a consideration at this point, will know end of next week. Don’t see that happening - but just my opionion - the admin loves being back on campus and going remote causes a lot of issues for them as well. They will if necessary and if someone influential feels strongly about their crystal ball, but that isn’t that point they are at today. Here’s the letter:

TO: USC Students, Faculty, and University Staff

FR: Sarah Van Orman, MD, MMM, FACHA, Chief Health Officer, USC Student Health,

Keck Medicine of USC; Division Chief for College Health, Keck School of Medicine of USC

RE: Health Advisory — Omicron Variant

As we wrap up our Fall semester, we are sharing an update about the university’s plans for the Spring, in light of the increased spread of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus. We are closely monitoring rising cases on campus and in the community, as well as at institutions of higher education nationally.

This Fall, our protocols were successful in preventing outbreaks of COVID-19 and spread within our classrooms and workplaces. We are committed to keeping our campus likewise safe in the Spring. We are evaluating a number of options for the spring semester and will announce any changes, such as a remote start, by the end of next week. Any decisions we make will be based on evidence-based practices and public health guidance.

In the meantime, we know that booster shots are critical to protecting members of our community from serious illness. The university is likely to require them in the spring semester, and an announcement on this requirement is forthcoming. At this time, we urge everyone to get their booster as soon as possible, and upload the record to mySHR.

Over the holiday season, please protect yourself and your loved ones by masking indoors, testing regularly and staying home when sick. For those remaining on or near campus, USC COVID-19 testing is available on a modified winter break schedule during the next two weeks.

Please stay tuned for a further update next week.

In the meantime, information about COVID-19 may be found at; questions may be directed to the COVID response team at or by phone at 213-740-6291.

Stay safe and stay well.

I’ve been really impressed with USC’s safety protocols.

Since the return to school in the fall, USC has required all vaccinated students to be tested for COVID weekly. Unvaccinated are tested every 72 hrs. The current student positivity rate is 0.2%.

Additionally, all visitors must either show a vaccination card or a negative COVID test within the previous 72 hrs in order to enter campus. At USC and throughout Los Angeles, face coverings are required indoors and many people keep their masks on outdoors as well.

There were some hiccups with long lines for testing at the beginning of the semester but the school and the students seem to have it down now. I hope continuing these protocols will allow USC to offer in person classes in January.


Just a reminder to please withdraw your usc application if you’re admitted to your early decision school or just any school that you would rather go to (ex: my son got into caltech ea and will be withdrawing his usc application later tonight, not because he is committed to caltech (he is still waiting on a few more decisions) but he is certain that he would attend caltech over usc). I know it is tempting to keep the apps in and see where you get admitted just for the fun of it but withdrawal is strongly encouraged as the spots are limited and reading applications for students who already know they are not going to attend wastes everyone’s time!


Yes, it may seem the courteous or noble thing to do, but it is also not necessary or even always the best thing to do. If someone paid the $80 bucks to apply, and put in all the work, wanting to see it through to the end result is expected, particularly with big scholarships for the taking. Also, situations can change a lot between now and May - and what one feels today, may not be the same come decision time. A scandal could rock a school, break ups, new romances, financial chaos, divorces, friend/family influence, family upheaval, the pandemic status (who knows by fall) - lots of uncertainty. The dream school today may not be your dream school come May. Desirability can change in the mind of a 17 year old rather quickly. In some cases, keeping options open and deciding when needed can be best. Do what is right for you. USC has plenty of people to read applications, and decades old forumulas to balance acceptance, as do other schools.

Now if you commit to a early action school and you are supposed to pull your apps, that is a different scenario.